90’ JLH was tremendously sexy. This is what “curvy” used to be before the term was bastardized into “fat chick models that are still not as fat as Americans “.
I went to the MTV beach house in Malibu in HS with a couple of friends. It was dumb as shit but at one point at had to go to the bathroom and didn’t want to use the nasty port-o-potties they had outside for the schmucks so I went inside the house and Jennifer Love Fucking Hewitt was just sitting there by herself in the living room. I spent like 10 minutes with her (she probably assumed I worked at MTV since I was in the house) and I absolutely fell in love. She was really lovely. Smoking hot, obviously, but really lovely.
Damn, girls’ got more curves than an F1 season.
Jesus she was a genuinely beautiful girl
Love ta love ta love Love!
Like Alyssa Milano, JLH will be the perfect sex symbol for generations.
Her appearances on Craig Ferguson a decade+ later are a masterclass in flirting
I think I had her self-titled album 💿
Nice 😁👍
Hi, I’m Hewitt Love Jennifer. How you doin’?
Her face kinda resembles Emma Watson’s
Remember when she used to be relevant? I bet you teenagers today don’t even know who she is.
One of my guilty pleasures was watching the incredibly stupid “Ghost Whisperer.”
However, every time I see her name, my mind does a Bridget Jones switcheroo and says “Jennifer Love HugeTits.”
Obviously I still find her very attractive but 11 year old me watching Can’t Hardly Wait was *in love* with her.
I wonder if she still promotes vajazzling? (Look it up on YouTube)
It’s the great Eskimo actor!
Omg, JLH in Can’t hardly wait! 🥵
Oh my gosh, I realized that I was bisexual way back when because of Jennifer and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
The girl from ghost whisperer?
One of the sexiest ever IMHO
Peak of human civilization
God, those were the days. Life was good, the movies were good.
She’s still hot af
I’ll be in my bunk.
I had such a crush on her when I was young. Still do.
Remember when she dated the guy from LFO and dumped him when he got cancer
JLH in Heart Breakers had me feelin all kinds of stuff.
Isn’t this the girl John Mayer said had wonderland boobs?
90’ JLH was tremendously sexy. This is what “curvy” used to be before the term was bastardized into “fat chick models that are still not as fat as Americans “.
I went to the MTV beach house in Malibu in HS with a couple of friends. It was dumb as shit but at one point at had to go to the bathroom and didn’t want to use the nasty port-o-potties they had outside for the schmucks so I went inside the house and Jennifer Love Fucking Hewitt was just sitting there by herself in the living room. I spent like 10 minutes with her (she probably assumed I worked at MTV since I was in the house) and I absolutely fell in love. She was really lovely. Smoking hot, obviously, but really lovely.
Pennsatucky is that you?
Jennifer Love Fefferman