Jeff Goldblum looks rich.
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Jeff Goldblum looks rich.
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Probably because he is
Fun fact…he is.
He looks like he has to pee.
scooby and a dandy shaggy
More importantly, he always looks like he’s thoroughly enjoying life.
He’s loving life
It’s that Brad Bellflower money.
Pretty fly
I’m not convinced Jeff Goldblum isn’t just a character played by Jeff Goldblum.
Wealth… finds a way
He looks (and kind of even acts) like a cult leader.
Fun fact: he’s married to a contortionist.
He is worth 40 million, his mother was a radio broadcaster, and she had a sales firm. His father was a chief of medicine at Pittsburg hospital and a major in the army. Jeff doesn’t know what not being rich is.
If I could be friends with Jeff Goldblum, I would be so happy (read in Craig Tucker voice).
What a beautiful dog 😍
You might be shocked. He’s rich. Don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.
Can’t afford socks tho
He is the unusual wealthy person who enjoys high fashion and also has an amazing ability to find things that look great on him. I often see rich people in expensive clothes that make them look like a clown, but not this guy.
He is 100% rich. That said he looks like he is happy being rich and living his best wealthy life. Other movie stars and celebrities act like being wealthy makes their life so much harder than those of us living ~broke~ modest lifestyles.
I will still never stop rolling my eyes and laughing at all of the wealthy people posting about how hard it was to be on COVID-19 lockdown in their gigantic mansions.
He also looks like he makes YouTube videos about coffee…
Is this an AI image? Something looks off 🧐
And yet he’s the face of Downers
Apartments.com… Shilling their message for finding an be affordable place to live.

Man Ellen lookin rough
Net Worth: [$40,000,000](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/jeff-goldblum-net-worth/)
I think I’ll call that rich.
Jeff Goldblum always seems like he just recently took copious amounts of LSD over the weekend and is still kind of coming down.
it took me a while to notice but look closely. It’s AI art. The background. His thumb in his pocket. There’s a little bit of missing colour near his face. Pay close attention to the dogs face – it looks rather cartoon-like.