Translation of certain quotes for those interested
何これ “What’s this…what’s happening…”
he says this over and over again. You can hear the confusion and shock in his voice get stronger as this goes on.
全てが終わった “this is the end/everything is over”
俺の車終わった “my car is toast”
さっきの人は⁈ “Where is that guy that was just there?!”
There’s instances of them screaming at people on bikes and cars saying that a tsunami is coming, and telling them to go to the city hall which is presumably built stronger than anything else in the area.
On the Oregon coast, at 3AM, I got a call there was a tsunami on the way in. Heck of a thing to wake up to… About 18 inches locally.
I think some places in japan are very prone to tsunamis.
In the beginning, that seawall was built high enough but the land itself had subsided by several feet, allowing the ocean to come over the top…
“We’ll be safe here.”
Narrator: They were not safe.
I thought the mountain in the back was the wave at first. I was like oh my god
[van at 5:58]( came outta nowhere
Translation of certain quotes for those interested
何これ “What’s this…what’s happening…”
he says this over and over again. You can hear the confusion and shock in his voice get stronger as this goes on.
全てが終わった “this is the end/everything is over”
俺の車終わった “my car is toast”
さっきの人は⁈ “Where is that guy that was just there?!”
There’s instances of them screaming at people on bikes and cars saying that a tsunami is coming, and telling them to go to the city hall which is presumably built stronger than anything else in the area.
It’s hardly even a wave. It’s like a huge flow.
[Ground level view can be more terrifying.](
what was in the water at 12:12?
This type of catastrophes terrifies me the most.
There’s a whole hour by hour over the course of the first few days video from NHK that’s terrifying and worth a watch.