Jack Black in his underwear performing Taylor Swift, 10/25/23 LA
Jack Black in his underwear performing Taylor Swift, 10/25/23 LA
byu/The_Tree_Beard infunny
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Jack Black in his underwear performing Taylor Swift, 10/25/23 LA
Jack Black in his underwear performing Taylor Swift, 10/25/23 LA
byu/The_Tree_Beard infunny
View Reddit by The_Tree_Beard – View Source
Jack the grey
this song needs some sax-a-boom
We don’t see Jack Black in enough productions, somebody do something about that, please.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
I can’t stop thinking about his high kick. His ratio of girth to hip flexibility is mesmerizing.
Now I’m googling “Taylor Swift underwear performing Jack Black”
Confidence level > Jack Black!
Nah I think that’s Gabe Newell
I wonder if this was planned or impromptu
He’s the only one who could do that without people suspecting a mental breakdown.
Who is Taylor Swift?
If burnt chrysler was funny
See if I did that, I would get arrested. Jack Black does that and he is praised and cheered. 😂
I still want him as black suit Orson Welles in a Orson-centric movie like that one with multiple Bob Dylans.
I fucking love Jack Black. He’s like a painkiller against all the awful news we hear every day.
This over actual tswift everyday
You may not like it but this is what peak athletic form looks like.
I’m Still waiting for the Jackie Chan and Jack Black movie. I NEED IT!
So just spitting out gibberish and dancing in your underwear is funny?
I thought he was on a mission to lose weight.
Bobby Lee gets naked on stage and prances around
Me: disgusting, not my type of humor, ghoulish behavior
Jack Black gets naked on stage and prances around
Me: both artful and tasteful, the soul of the community, love incarnation.
Bert kreicher hit rock bottom
He could legit go senile and nobody would suspect a thing.
Someone should check up on him. Robin Williams comes to mind so I hope Jack Black isn’t hiding his depression too.
So, this is what he does for attention now?
Taylor in her underwear doing Jack Black is what the world deserves.
This happens to be on mute as I hear Usher’s “Yeah” playing elsewhere. Totally works!
Pants are for the week.
Sounded like he had a few minutes left at the end of the set and he said “fuck it. Taylor Swift acapella in my britches, bitches!”
Jacks got some buffs legs
I bet you $5 that I can go out there and “perform” in my underwear and they will just laugh at it…
I just can’t stand this guy, I’ve always found him to be obnoxious and he way over acts. I’ve never understood what people find funny about him
Can’t believe they let you take your super 8 camera in there
Is he wearing meundies?
If Jack ever actually had a psychotic break, I wonder if anybody would notice. Lol Dude is so wholesomely crazy.
Oh boy he’s let himself go
If anyone else did this it would be creepy, somehow Jack Black has such high charisma statsthat he can pull this off. Wild
Jack black looking more and more like Santa
When I do it in my back alley I’m a crackhead, but when he does it on a stage it’s “art”?!?!
Wow he’s so wacky. I’ve never seen him sing and spaz around before.
How on earth did you get Taylor Swift from that? lol
Dude is definitely on some kinda drug.