I had no idea these posters had hidden messages. I was using my UV light to try and find where my cat has been marking my office and stumbled across this. I’ve had these posters since the collectors edition came out and had no idea they were there. It probably said something on the box that I didn’t read lo but it was fun to stumble on the secret by accident 10+ years later.
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That’s actually very cool.
Imagine it’s something that all games collector posters do and we never knew…
Easter egg in RL
What does it say? Rupture failed we will no?
i wouldn’t even be mad that your cat peed all over your poster. being able to write in pee like that is pretty impressive for a human, let alone mr whiskers.
Oh my, I have these hanging on my wall.. I need to find a blacklight now.
non blacklight version pls
What game?
Yeah, I have the same edition. There’s no messages. You never saw them before because somebody only added them recently …