I’ve completed Bioshock 1 for the first time. I understand the love
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I’ve completed Bioshock 1 for the first time. I understand the love
View Reddit by Badnewsbear41 – View Source
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Bioshock is one of those rare game narratives that really leans into the fact that it’s a game to tell its story. It understands what it is and what it wants to do perfectly. I suppose that would be ludonarrative consonance?
Savor that feeling as long as you can cause the rest of the series can’t hold a candle to the original. 2 was decent but infinite genuinely upset me.
A game that produced genuine fear. I would hear a Big Daddy lumbering around off in the not-so-distance, and freeze… look for exits… panic… pause the game… breathe a lot… then start it back up and check my weapons and start forcing myself to inch forward while making some vague moaning and whimpering noises. I don’t like jump-scares, but the very essence of this game was infused with foreboding… it was SO good that way. And the story was awesome. My wife enjoyed watching my reactions as much as she enjoyed watching me play the game itself.
When will it be vr already
I man chooses
Top 3 games of all time for me
Would you kindly make other people play this game?
I actually now ask people “Would you kindly ….. xyz” and no one has caught on
a man chooses, a slave obeys
I’ve never played it but it’s about time dammit. Gonna cop on psn. I’m currently on my first run through of Skyrim ever, I’m a little late on some classics I missed growing up
To this day, nothing has done it for me like Rapture has. Going into Subnautica all those years ago without knowing much about it came the closest.
Beautiful game , right?
No gods or kings, only man.
This is one of those ” All Time Great” games that I just can’t quite get into. I’ve tried on multiple occasions and it isn’t my cup of tea.
A Man chooses, the dog obeys.
Bioshock and Infinite are gaming gems, 2 was done by another team if I’m not mistaken…
I had to stop playing it after I had my most realistic horrific nightmare due to playing it. A terriffic game, pity I couldn’t finish it, but my nights have been calmer since I stopped playing it.
Would you kindly use the spoiler tag?
One of the greatest plot twists in gaming history because it takes advantage of video games as a medium.
In games, you don’t question when given instructions and just go along with it, so most players won’t realise the subtle hints that Jack is just a puppet
Bioshock 2 is a pretty good game but isn’t nearly as good or interesting as Bioshock 1.
Infinite however is really good. Probably on-par or better than Bioshock 1.
don’t sleep on bioshock two, underrated imo.
Still one of my favorite games of all time. 2 as well.
It’s too bad Infinite was such a departure from the form.
If you are going to play Bioshock 2, don’t skip Minerva’s Den. A great DLC.
I played through the bioshock trilogy. Liked the first game, Loved the second game and infinite wasn’t as good as either of them. To be honest, it didn’t even compare to the first two
Man now play Bioshock Infinite and the DLCs. The ending of the dlc will blow your mind.
I played the first one not too long ago and I must say I was very underwhelmed. The story was good and the twist I genuinely didn’t see coming but the gameplay felt very clunky. As a result I never played the next two.
I’m glad you had a good time with it though and I hope you enjoy the next two even more.
BioShock is the best example of a game series with great atmosphere ruined by extremely mediocre gameplay.
It still holds up to this day.
It’s one of the biggest masterpieces ever. That whole idea, world, characters combined with the most mindblowing setting ever.
Bioshock is love 🫶🏼
I’ve played it recently for the first time as well, still editing videos of my first playthrough on youtube. I decided randomly to try making videos while on sick leave from work and it’s been fun, I just started playing through system shock 2, ’cause I never completed that either.
Now, would you kindly play the sequels? People may disagree, but Bioshock Infinite is arguably as good as the first, if not better. I won’t say anything beyond that it has brilliant gameplay and a superbly written story that even ties up some loose threads from Bioshock 1. And as for Bioshock 2, it’s okay. I feel I’m in the minority but it felt a bit like just playing the same game again but with much less interesting characters.
One of my top 10 games of all time.
This game is so good. Love the storily, the gameplay, the plot twist, etc. It’s one of those games that I replay at least once a year.
The second one is not as good in the story part and the third one I just could never get into it.
to exprience it for the first time what a joy
Atta Boy
Easily one of the best video game stories. While 2 and 3 had more story shortcomings as a whole story it is beautifully crafted and i’m sad we will likely never see another one.
My favorite game of all time
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