-Title- So am posting it here. Very proud of my find. It’s my first PoP! It’s staying in the box. Its a mime after all, lul
View Reddit by Shinobi681 – View Source
-Title- So am posting it here. Very proud of my find. It’s my first PoP! It’s staying in the box. Its a mime after all, lul
View Reddit by Shinobi681 – View Source
Nice, congrats. Love the way he looks like he wants out of the box
Sheesh, I feel good for you. I hope I will get alakazam asap, too!
tell a therapist…. whose favorite pokemon is Mr. mime
Mr Mime is your favourite? You should have kept that a secret. 😆
You must always win the “Guess my favourite Pokémon” game.
why do you guys buy this stupid shit
I wish I could collect those. I have to many kids and too many dogs. The ones I owned are now chew toys…. yes, for the kids too
My roommate and I bought a bunch of those and would leave them outside our friend’s house in the middle of the night as a prank. We would just leave them outside his front door so he would have to see them going to work. We have never told him it was us.
Mr.Mime is just a creation of Bill. He kidnapped hobo’s, pushed them into his machine and created these horrible monsters.
As someone who also has Mr. Mime as one of his favourites, I approve.
This is one of the better looking Funko Pop Pokémon. Mr. Mime has soulless eyes to begin with. This style doesn’t transfer as well as I would’ve hoped to the other Pokémon.
You mean to tell me that you collect Funko Pops and you *don’t* have anyone in your life to share this with?
^I’m ^just ^busting ^your ^balls ^(and/or ovaries) ^OP, ^if ^it ^makes ^you ^happy ^go ^for ^it! ^My ^favorite ^part ^about ^Mr. ^Mime ^is ^that ^one ^probably ^bangs ^Ash’s ^mom ^in ^the ^anime.
I’m glad you were able to buy your favorite! My best friend has a whole collection and it’s always so nice when he buys a new one.
reminds me my childhood, nice pop 🙂
Now I go order 3 🥺
“hey remember the Beanie Babies? they’re back, In pvc form.”
I’m blown away any one even likes mr.mime, let alone calls it their favorite. You need help. Go see a therapist.
Ah yes, Psychic type Yaoi-Hands McChildMolester, everyone’s favorite abomination of sin
I do like the idea of keeping it in the box because it’s a mime, though. Nice.
Even if he was out of that box. He would still be stuck in a box
Careful. He is known for trying to get with peoples moms…
Oh, Ash’s dad.