“It’s your lucky day kid” was the last one they just happened to have behind the counter.
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“It’s your lucky day kid” was the last one they just happened to have behind the counter.
View Reddit by Jazzlike-Blood-3725 – View Source
Same thing happened to me, if only I had an extra $150 for the collectors edition lol
Please do not open that box lol
Hell yeah!!
Have fun! Im enjoying it so far and going to take it slow cause I waited so long for this sequel lol
Damn that’s lucky. Congrats haha
I’ve been playing none stop doing all nighters playing. I’ve been doing every side quest and avoiding the main story as much as I can.
Every image I’ve seen of the mammoth statue makes it look like a 5 year old tried to paint a warhammer model. I hope for your sake it looks better in person.
I wanted this so bad but could not go for the 200 so I just settled for the base game but dang that satute looks bomb.