Monday, March 17All That Matters

It’s the same when those old big TV’s are not working properly so you hit on the back and then it suddenly works


It’s the same when those old big TV’s are not working properly so you hit on the back and then it suddenly works


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  • As an electronics technician that needs to write my own programms 30% of the time I too know the logic of working Chaos. As long as you don’t try to improve it, it will not cause any problems.

  • “If architects and builders created buildings the way that programmers create code, the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.”

  • You would be surprised how often in labs when we have a working method nobody wants to change it. Even if its an awefull amount of work to do it like that. Cause changing it and improving when its not the focus of the study would consume to much time and funding

  • As a programmer, can confirm. This is 100% correct.

    There have been times when I fixed a bug, tried to optimize my fix and it broke again, then reverted to the code that worked before and it didn’t work any more. When it does finally work, you _do not touch it again!_

  • Once upon a time, I had an assignment in college, did it, it worked, all was fine. The day came to show it to the teacher, and it didn’t work! I changed random stuff, but couldn’t find the problem. As the teacher reached my desk, I had given up, and decided to at least show some extra stuff I made, since the main functionality didn’t work. But it worked. The teacher left, and it never worked again.

  • What people on the user side don’t know is that programmers and IT are just all members of the machine cult. We sort of understand how all this stuff works but sometimes it just doesn’t want to like that, not until you call not until we ask if it’s doing x. The machines listen and wait for our call. The code works when it wants to not when we want it to. Would we be able to understand the machine as a scientist believes they understand the cosmos we would be elated. But that is not meant to be, we can only glean hints from the machines, find the rituals that fix them and adjust the rituals when it does not please them.

  • After more than a decade in biology labs, I feel like the bottom panels are more similar to scientists than anyone is comfortable admitting…

    Yes, I want to answer hypothesis *X* but I always have to jiggle the handle to the PCR machine to make sure my reaction runs successfully, and that plate reader only gives good data after 3 pm. Also I put reagent *Y* in all my reactions with no idea whether it actually helps, but dammit I’m not risking changing it now!

  • I mean, we can always just use VCS to figure out how it worked and fix possible issues. If something breaks, just git reset.

    The reason I *don’t* do that is because I’m a lazy asshole. 🙂

  • Unfortunately… The truth.

    It doesn’t help that the users of our custom software tools keeps FUCKING CHANGING SHIT WITHOUT DOCUMENTATION. So we the programmers keep getting called in because it must clearly be a fucking bug, and not the god damn IT guys who they should be going to first.

  • Oh man, I had this problem BAD this week. I bought a new router and tried to hook it up. Didn’t work. No problem, I figure, I’ll just put the old one back in until I can figure out why. Old one doesn’t work. I contact ISP, they send a technician out the next day. He can’t get either router to work so he brings in a new router. He spends an hour and a half tinkering with it and talking to supervisors and customer service, can’t figure out why it doesn’t work. (I at least feel better that it wasn’t just me.) He puts in a ticket for another technician to come fix the problem. I get a message several hours later when the ticket is closed but the problem still isn’t fixed. I contact customer service yet again. They send someone out again, install a fourth router, and for no one know what reason the internet finally works. Now the router is in an inconvenient spot but I don’t want to move it to the other room for fear that it will take a week to get my internet back if I do.

  • I understand that under timepressure you dont want to screw stuff up by touching it, but my experience is that most programmers dont even care enough to try and get to the bottom of stuff. It’s painstaking, but its what ultimately will make you a better programmer, so dont skimp on it.

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