It’s sad to watch a studio shut down, but I’m not really surprised.
It’s sad to watch a studio shut down, but I’m not really surprised. from gaming
View Reddit by blackwolf57 – View Source
It’s sad to watch a studio shut down, but I’m not really surprised.
It’s sad to watch a studio shut down, but I’m not really surprised. from gaming
View Reddit by blackwolf57 – View Source
Hahahahahaha game was so bad I understand why
Sure glad they cut testing from their budgets. Flopping entire studios after public launch testing is really working out.
They started the studio, they’re using the engine the studio works on, they’re repurposing the studio, Not shutting down
This game was supposed to be a ps5 graphics showcase it literally looks worse than 10 year old ps4 games
At some point, surely, the industry will stop this suicidal spiral of releasing things no one wanted based on the opinions of a focus group staffed with people who *will not play the final game*.
well deserved!
Snuffs out? Wasn’t it just merged?
Tbh they as company deserve it, not to blame the devs of course, but the directors for cheaping out on testing and releasing an horrible quality game on alpha status for us to test, and even worst charging 70€ for it. incredible what the greedy studios are up to right now.
It’s a shame because despite the inane writing of forspoken I want more games with magic as the combat weapons
The game was so bad they just “snuffed” out the studio. My initial thoughts were unpleasant, lol.
I wanted to wring the MC’s neck every second she was on the screen
No its not sad. Bad studios should go bankrupt. They should dissapear before relasing this crap, but better late than never.
Release crappy games, win crappy prizes. Every time the main character spoke, my IQ dropped. Same with Atomic Heart. Both titles could have been so much better but dialogue sounds like they were both written by angst-ridden 14 year old.
cant make your main character a PoS with no redeeming qualities and expect people to care about them
Aw, I really enjoyed the game. Oh well.
I just killed a game studio with my freaking mind!
My usual litmus test for a game is whether the trailer contains the game developers voice telling me “how rich and engaging” the game is.
If it contains just audio over gameplay it might be ok.
If they show me the developers themselves talking about the game it’s usually garbage.
If they let the game do the talking it’s probably decent.
….Is it actually sad? They only have two games under their belts doesn’t really seem like they contributed anything at all to the game space. From what I can tell this last game is a huge hit or miss anyways.
Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed forspoken 🙁
A game so trash they closed the studio about a month after launch. That’s impressive.
The worst part about the snarky character Marvel Universe becoming popular is how every other story thinks that they have to have a really unlikable, snarky main character who talks like theyre on Twitter or TikTok.
Honestly, it’s more so these open worlds, huge time, and money sinks. If they have made the game a 8-15 hr ARPG i think it would’ve been more interesting straight off the bat. As soon as i hear open world dozens of hours, i roll my eyes. You need a solid concept and gameplay loop for the open world. I personally feel like games need to shrink the concept down a bit more a small tight solid game is better than a huge loose mess with “40+” hrs gameplay
Release a game with a basic story, awful dialogue, bitchy main character, and dont fix any of the frame rate issues or open world issues from the demo this is what you deserve.
Forspoken was forgotten before it even came out. It was dead in the water.
Yeah, probably *because of* Forspoken
I would have been willing to give the game a chance if Frey wasn’t such a selfish ass.
I honestly think Forspoken should have been rated Teen.
Because, honestly, outside of the protagonist’s real name being Lady Fuck, there is literally nothing about this game that deserves its Mature rating.
You can remove the profanities and that would make the writing ten times better.
But then ten times zero is still zero.
To be fair, square enix only has like 2 games they made since 2010.
Game looks truly awful.
Normally I would feel sort of bad for studio. But honestly, I hope they find jobs in another industry.
They reskinned a shittier ffxv, they should just disappear
I never bought the game because I watched it on twitch and knew better. But what were they thinking with the main character? The most unlikeable character I’ve seen in a while.
Good because I never had any interest at all in playing this game.
Good, Fuck em. The real life actor had shit tier acting in netflix’s resident evil as well so no wonder this game flopped.
Considering every bit of dialogue was cringe, I can’t say any of us are. And good riddance (try to rebuild under another name, that old one is trash now).
You had me at Avengers
I’ve never seen a game with such an unlikable protagonist, like, holy fuck, they’ve decided to put every negative trait a human being can posess and put it in one person.
100% not surprised. Not a single original and creative thought went into creating this game.
Part of me thinks that this wouldn’t have happened if they had made Agni’s Philosophy (the Luminous Engine tech demo) a full game. Dammit.
So all the people that bought it are not even getting updates and support anymore? Damn, how EA of them…
I think they are trying to copy typical marvel movie heroes “say funny thing” during serious scene. Sadly it’s cringe.
I really want to play this game, despite its poor ratings, it looks like the kinda game I’d enjoy, just gotta wait for it to become dirt cheap, so I can afford it.
Wait is this really how the game looks? It looks like it came like between 2013-2015.
What really gets me was their “[vision](https://www.luminous-productions.com/vision/)”: “To create games unlike anything experienced before, fusing the world’s latest technologies with art.”
What a final fantasy indeed!
I’m starting to think Square Enix are the problem
i’m glad they did.