Thursday, March 6All That Matters

It’s now been 20 years since the US invaded Iraq. Here’s how that invasion shaped Iraq for the past 2 decades.


It’s now been 20 years since the US invaded Iraq. Here’s how that invasion shaped Iraq for the past 2 decades.


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  • My platoon went to a girl’s school that had recently started operating. There was a girl who had gone blind. I inspected her eyes and could see no damage. The pupils reacted to light, so they were connected to her brain

    I asked if she’d seen anything traumatic. The principal told me she saw her parents car explode. Is that when she went blind? Yes. I told the principal that her sight would return when she deals with the emotional pain. She needs to see a social worker

    I wonder what happened to her. Not much good, I don’t think. Like so many youth in the country at the time, she seemed aware that her future was dark

  • 2003 April before we took the airport heading to pick up a downed blackhawk. No armor, no radios, and about 60 bullets per soldier. None of my convoys ever had security because we didn’t have the people. I knew it then that the war was a lie and it should always be remembered that way. The GOP screwed this country royally and it continues to do so. Another thing I would like to point out is that I always read the DHS, FBI, DOJ threat reports and back then in 2005 they were reporting that the biggest threat to the US was white supremacy. Now look at us.

  • Wholesale debaathification was such a mistake. You can’t effectively rebuild institutions from scratch with all new people who don’t have experience doing the work of said institutions.

    In Germany, de-Nazification was a gradual process over years where people were actually evaluated on the extent to which they were rabidly ideological or collaborators or simply fellow travelers who had to profess loyalty to get a job. The reason why you don’t throw out especially the third group is that they constitute a big part of a former totalitarian regime’s administrative capacity and often a core part of what will become civil society. You make a devil’s bargain to let some shady (but not absolutely monsterous) people get through the process in order to let the vast majority get to work running the country from classrooms to ministry offices.

    We thought we could tear it all down without blowback. Instead, the whole country fell into sectarian strife. Fuck the whole Bush administration, but particularly dyed-in-the-wool neocons like Wolfowitz and Paul Bremmer. They went in and destroyed a country based on their doughy-eyed understanding of the world in which you could make countries like baking bread.

    And already this thread is filling with anecdotes of soldiers who saw the ensuing carnage first hand.

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