Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

It’s like Thanksgiving all over again


  • My non theologian thoughts about the afterlife.

    You have died, welcome to Paradise, ok, sounds good so far.

    I’m a big let’s say … Robin Williams fan.

    I’d love to spend eternity hanging out with this person I think is amazing. Can I do that?

    Well … it’s your paradise so yes.

    But it’s not part of his paradise you see, so …

    You may hang out with our lifelike simulation of him for as long as you like.

    Wait, what?

    Yes also creepy Caroline from 4th grade is here hoping to see you, let me find her quote ‘forever and ever and always and then to the beginning of time and back again.’

    Would you like to see her or shall we send a simulation?

    Ahh, send the Sim!

    Wait, does anyone actually see real people here?

    A bit, people seem to vastly prefer the paradise sims to actual human interaction it has been a while. We have a list of people who have expressed interest in meeting you, would you like to see it?

    Oh that sounds nice, sure… wait…is this list real or is it the list of people I wish would want to see me and you are actually going to send me to talk to a bunch of sims to make my wishes to come true. Is this just sims all the way down?

    Was the last place even real?

    Um, sir, this is normal adjustment, if it would make you feel better I’ve asked Robin Williams to come answer any of your follow up questions, have a nice eternity.

  • i imagine in heaven you get to hang out with your friends and family and even meet strangers and make new friends and meet famous people if they’re up for it. But then everyone gets their own private/personal realms where you can make your own worlds and stuff. Like maybe childhood home and town. or a fantasy world or a world from a TV show with NPCs and stuff

    in mine, it’s gonna be the late 80’s and early 90’s on a loop and I’m just gonna watch TV and eat chinese food for a few hundred years

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