Thursday, March 6All That Matters

it’s hard to believe how many people don’t know this movie exists


  • Kit : The letter K appears in this script 1,456 times. That’s perfectly divisible by 3.

    Freddy : So what? So what you saying?

    Kit : What am I saying? KKK appears in this script 486 times!

    Kit’s Agent : This is a great script! Look, it’s not Shakespeare, but it…

    Kit : Hey, what did you just say?

    Agent : I said, ‘it’s not Shakespeare’…

    Kit : ‘It’s not Shake… ‘, ‘It’s not Shake… ‘ (to Freddy) Do you hear what he’s doing?

    Freddy : I know he’s doing something, I just can’t put my finger on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah… What’s he doing?

    Kit : Shakespeare, Freddy, Shakespeare!

    Freddy : Shakespeare?

    Kit : Shake a spear! Spearchucker! I’m a spearchucker now!

    Freddy : Hey, yo, Kit, you know what’s happenin’ here? This is just another example of the white man takin’ all the best catch phrases and then givin’ ’em to Arnold or Stallone.

    Kit Ramsey : Exactly. Exactly! Exactly! And Jackie Chan and Van Damme and them can’t even speak English good!

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