A lot of it is just when your brain works differently than most people. Something that seems hard for most is easy for you. Then immediately after comes the normal mob that gives you more trouble than people had with that boss you just breezed through.
Like watching someone do a flawless first run of a troll Mario Maker level that’s nearly impossible, but struggles to beat the first world on the original SMB game.
Shibata Katsuie in Nioh 2. I heard about how brutal this guy was for a midgame boss, but it took me only like 5 tries or so to kill it. 5 tries may seem like a lot to be considered easy, but I suck at Nioh, so it’s an accomplishment for me at least. I’m pretty sure I died to Katsuie less than every other boss in the 2nd game, save for the near carbon copies of bosses reused from the first Nioh game.
OOT Water Temple. I can see why people complain, but it’s more tedious than confusing.
I managed to beat the dancer of the boreal valley on my first try.
Funny thing is, the second time I played, that was the boss I struggled with the most.
Ah yes. My stepdaughter said, “He’s gonna kill you” when I fought Father Gascoigne for the first time in Bloodborne. Killed him.
That was my face as I gazed imperiously upon her.
I’ve never had trouble with blighttown
For me it was Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls, I beat them in just 2 tries, first run.
Malenia ain’t got shit on me.
But crucible knight can go fuck himself.
When it only takes you 12 hours to get through a water level.
That “Follow the damn train” mission from GTA San Andreas just took some patience and some good positioning
Isshin Sword Saint for me.
A lot of it is just when your brain works differently than most people. Something that seems hard for most is easy for you. Then immediately after comes the normal mob that gives you more trouble than people had with that boss you just breezed through.
Like watching someone do a flawless first run of a troll Mario Maker level that’s nearly impossible, but struggles to beat the first world on the original SMB game.
managed to beat the hollow knight from the game hollow knight first try
Me with thunderblight ganon
Nameless king. First try. Even though, I find myself to be to bad at soulslike’s.
Miltank in the old gen
Me beating viper on master difficulty first try
That was me when I beat Whitney first time on Pokemon gold
Oh man, I think I have the book this picture is taken from.. good memories.
I killed Malenia on my first try, was kinda disappointed actually
then proceed to die to a part of the game that’s supposed to be easy
I can consistently beat Wrong Side of the Tracks and the ZeroRC missions in GTA: San Andreas.
Getting to the demon ruins and fighting seventeen early game boss tier enemies consecutively in DS1
I beat the RC helicopter mission in Vice city first try when I played it not too long ago. I struggled as a kid but now I got it first try
More like elden bling
Playing the GTA San Andreas remake, it really wasn’t all that difficult to just follow the train
Me when I beat Star Renegades on my first run: “I AM A GOD OF STRATEGY”
Me getting absolutely rinsed by the Demolisher in the Moon Base on my second run: “nevermind”
Apparently people struggled with the Ginso Tree escape in Ori and the Blind Forest, a section that I beat first time.
That’s because the first level was on the demo so I got to level 25 before I had the full game.
celeste comb room for me
First run is just head on without thinking, the second run is a bit calculated and that sometimes stops you going 100%
that’s why I hate tactic and go head on at everything
Shibata Katsuie in Nioh 2. I heard about how brutal this guy was for a midgame boss, but it took me only like 5 tries or so to kill it. 5 tries may seem like a lot to be considered easy, but I suck at Nioh, so it’s an accomplishment for me at least. I’m pretty sure I died to Katsuie less than every other boss in the 2nd game, save for the near carbon copies of bosses reused from the first Nioh game.
For me it was Whitney and Cynthia