If anyone’s watched the Youtube series “Stupid Mario Brothers”, that’s how the characters should sound in the movies. The accents stay true to the original characters, while not being too extreme that they become annoying. The idea that it’s either the exact voice from the video games or Chris Pratt’s normal voice is just insane. There’s a logical middle ground that Illumination are too lazy to find.
Martinet is also absolutely amazing, I was at Edmonton Expo last month where he was there as a guest, of all the celebrities he was the first there and the last to leave every day, genuinely excited to be there, and his signing table was playing Mario music throughout the con. He’s just a super cool dude.
It’s interesting to hear him say when he went in they were like “you’re going to be an Italian plumber for a video game named Mario”. It must be crazy to know you were there when it was just some random character that no one had really heard of, but now it’s probably the most recognized video game character in the world. Even my parents know who Marion is. Seeing it and being a part of something growing from nothing to this massive icon has to be so rewarding.
He genuinely loves being mario and all the joy that it brings. His booth was next to Steve Downes (Master Chief) and an expo, and while I was meeting the chief all I could hear was Martinet just doing his thing “nice-a to meet you! Its-a me mario! Wahooo. Yahaaa” so full of energy. Later i noticed he actually photobombed a picture i was taking and made it 100x better.
He was so robbed not doing the Mario movie.
The manufactured outrage *is the marketing campaign*
I suddenly need to see (this) Mario and Gollum interacting in the same film, as Lego of course.
If anyone’s watched the Youtube series “Stupid Mario Brothers”, that’s how the characters should sound in the movies. The accents stay true to the original characters, while not being too extreme that they become annoying. The idea that it’s either the exact voice from the video games or Chris Pratt’s normal voice is just insane. There’s a logical middle ground that Illumination are too lazy to find.
I miss Great Big Story. It’s a shame they ended the series 🙁
This guys sounds *nothing* like Chris Pratt ^^^/s
Mushroom kingdom here we come!
Seems like the video was removed, mirror?
fun fact the first time he voiced mario it wasn’t even for a video game… it was for a pinball machine
This guy is awesome, but also possibly he is completely insane
Martinet is also absolutely amazing, I was at Edmonton Expo last month where he was there as a guest, of all the celebrities he was the first there and the last to leave every day, genuinely excited to be there, and his signing table was playing Mario music throughout the con. He’s just a super cool dude.
He was also the voice of the Homonculus in Shadow of Destiny.
I have an autographed Mario from him that I got at a San Diego comic con a long time ago. Still sits on my desk, he was such a nice guy.
“Mario was first created in a game called donkey kong”
*shows a picture of donkey kong country*
I miss Great Big Story. It was one of my favorite things to watch
I love how hype and animated he is. I want to enjoy my job 1/3rd that much.
It’s interesting to hear him say when he went in they were like “you’re going to be an Italian plumber for a video game named Mario”. It must be crazy to know you were there when it was just some random character that no one had really heard of, but now it’s probably the most recognized video game character in the world. Even my parents know who Marion is. Seeing it and being a part of something growing from nothing to this massive icon has to be so rewarding.
Ill *NEVER* not be salty about him not being in the movie. Martinet’s role as Mario is longer that Chris Pratt’s career.
Video unavailable? Even on the website itself.
He genuinely loves being mario and all the joy that it brings. His booth was next to Steve Downes (Master Chief) and an expo, and while I was meeting the chief all I could hear was Martinet just doing his thing “nice-a to meet you! Its-a me mario! Wahooo. Yahaaa” so full of energy. Later i noticed he actually photobombed a picture i was taking and made it 100x better.
That dude sounds nothing like Bob Hoskins.
They need to redo Chris Pratt voice line like they did with the visuals graphics of Sonic
> And that was 26 f… amazing fantastic years ago.
His regular voice is pretty good too
We have to go back. We have made an enormous mistake.
I love this guy, but this video seals the movie voice controversy for me. There’s no way I would sit through 80+ minutes of this voice.