It was my solo hobby after hours project. Right now we are a small indie team and our trailer was just posted by IGN. It’s like a dream come true.
View Reddit by mikimiki1618 – View Source
It was my solo hobby after hours project. Right now we are a small indie team and our trailer was just posted by IGN. It’s like a dream come true.
View Reddit by mikimiki1618 – View Source
Very cool. Reminds me of Subnautica and Star Citizen combined.
Looks polished for a (former) hobby project!
I’ll be sure to check out the kickstarter.
Gun size, angle and recoil animation looks off for some reason. Otherwise cool project
Looks cool, but the trailer’s giving some mixed messages. There’s a gun in every shot, but only a handful of scenes actually using it, a bunch of environmental exploration shots that look great but don’t have much to do with combat, and a VO focused on a revenge plot. Is this a shooter, or an exploration game?
If the former, the combat shots in the trailer feel a bit flat, and the VO is kind of vague about why we should care. If the latter, you should have dropped the guns from most of the non combat shots (even if you can’t do that in game) and showed us what the exploration gameplay loop is like, maybe with one or two shots demonstrating how the game handles the transition between exploration and combat.
To be clear, I mean this wholy as constructive criticism. It looks fantastic, especially for a solo game and I wish you the best when it’s released. I’d just hate to see a trailer betray a game before it has a chance to shine.
Can we expect a Half-Life easter egg?
This has been on my wish list for quite a while now, looking forward to it!!
Man, I don’t wanna be a hater, but this looks like store-brand scifi. Like, super generic. For example, the title “Moon Mystery” feels like it was a WIP project code name that no one bothered to workshop into something better. And then there’s that generic script, “I have to defend the galaxy against them, the others.” Really? The WHOLE galaxy? Just you, one dude? Also, not giving any clues about who players fight against isn’t cute or teasing, it’s just lazy. Finally, the protagonist “Sam Walker” couldn’t be more cookie cutter. Generic name, generic backstory. “I’ve lost everything!”
Like, I get it’s just a trailer, but trailers are where you have to put your best foot forward and convince us that your game is original and not just the 1,000th rehash of what other games have done better.
I hate to say it but this looks utterly generic.
Looks beautiful. What’s actually gameplay and what’s not?
No judgement on OPs work – I’m about to describe a phenomenon I notice on reddit quite often, the Startup Praise Phenomenon:
1. Person make a trailer for a thing. Wanting validation, they post to reddit.
2. Enamored by the idea that a single person did a cool thing, audience at large practically starts memeing along on queue *”Wao, this is like no lie 1000% better than multi-billiondollar corpo product, did we say wao? Waaao. plz how we giv monies?”*
3. Filled with confidence from the Reddit praise, they launch it as an actual product and not just some pipe dream garage project.
4. Audience rescind their previous ‘Greatest Thing Ever™’ praise and actually begin vicious honest criticism that probably should have come in the first place.