Friday, February 7All That Matters

It was fun while it lasted, Reddit


  • I’ve tried using the web version Reddit. Not even remotely a fan. When the API changes come in July, if my favorite app stops working, I’ll probably move on.

    Good content doesn’t cancel out the frustration of struggling with a bad interface.

  • Genuine question: what are the best alternatives? I completely agree, Reddit is just a tiny platform for the content people provide (point being: the content is the real value) but I honestly don’t know of better alternatives.
    Any suggestions appreciated and I’m hoping to see more “exit strategy” posts in the future if they don’t reverse course. Way more effective than just circlejerk “bad customer management” posts and if Reddit changes their strategy, Redditors benefit! If they don’t, we also benefit from knowing more options on where to go next to get our online fix 🙂

  • I quit myspace and Facebook, and have never had Twitter or Instagram. This is just a natural progression in moving on to whatever comes next. I wouldn’t touch the reddit ipo with a ten foot stock broker.

  • They are trying to do an IPO they need to show revenue and ads are a largest revenue source. Most of the 3rd party ads don’t have ads. So it’s not surprising they are charging 3rd party apps API fees to make up for lost revenue.

    I hope it fails but this was bound to happen when they decided to on going the IPO route

  • What’s wild to me is that it felt like forever that reddit didn’t even have a native app. Then when they finally did, I heard it was terrible so I stuck with RIF.

    Eventually I did download the official app and it’s just so clunky. It feels like it’s designed to keep me from spending too much time on reddit.

  • After using the official reddit app for a month this one blew it out of the stratosphere in 5 minutes should have used this one from the git go and the reddit people should buy and hire these guys to run there official app best part free.

    My review of rif from 2016. Will be reposting this one on every one of these posts and officially on the reddit play store page on July 2nd.

  • The way the Reddit treats these third party developers, out in the open, in comments sections of posts, reveals everything about Reddit you need to know. If it was JUST about money, they would have made API calls cheaper and not 100x what IMGUR charges.

    They just want these guys to go away.

  • On the plus side, I’ll get a lot more done during the day when I don’t have Reddit on my phone with me. Then I just have to wait for old reddit to get shut down and I can quit all together.

  • “Official” app sucks. Officially always been trash.

    It took them forever to even create one and its bloated and clunky as fuck.

    Shit like this is what kills social media platforms.

    When the fuck will these people that throw money at shit and take it over ever learn.

    Invest a bunch of money in a platform. Then immediately tank it by wrecking what makes ppl use it.

    Almost every fucking time

  • The worst part of the official app is when they replace they sub Reddit list tab to the discovery tab. That absolutely ruined the app for me. Also every update update made the app worse and worse with some odd new design choices.

  • Funny part that Reddit’s current owners don’t remember is what they are doing is exactly what killed Digg and started Reddits popularity. See you all on a phpBB until the new site comes about 😀

  • Just think about how much money Reddit could have saved by simply not spending it all on making the website and app worse each version lol

    I’m still using the official app version from years ago and every time I’ve tried out the latest updates I’ve hated it and gone back to the old one

  • Yeah, July 1 will be an end of an era for me. I’m typing this on reddit is fun right now and as soon as it doesn’t work anymore I’ll pretty much be done with reddit, I’ve tried the official app a couple times and it’s garbage, and I almost never browse the web on an actual computer anymore so yeah. It’s been both fun and horrible folks.

  • When RiF is gone I’m gone. I’ve tried every other app and it’s the only one that actually makes reddit fun. There is either too much BS or chaotic UIs to make it enjoyable anywhere else. Frankly, it might be better for my mental health.

  • I’ll never forget the windows 8 beta. Literally every day on the official forums there were multiple posts on the front page with detailed criticisms about why the new metro UI was bad. Every day. For months.

    So naturally Microsoft listened to feedback and made changes before they relea….fucking lol no they didn’t. They straight up ignored everything and released a UI so horrible it was universally panned and it made the OS so untouchable very few would upgrade and people who did were actively seeking ways to downgrade again, so Microsoft had to push out windows 10 ahead of schedule to get past it.

  • I’m still inhaling hopium and clinging to the possibility that reddit are going to be reasonable and compromise on this, but if they don’t I’ll have to call it quits and find something else to occupy my time. Idk it might even be a good thing.

  • Baconreader user here. I know, ancient. What can I say, I am an old person.

    This has been a real wake up moment for me. I lived just fine before Reddit. What is it actually doing for my life other than occasionally interacting with strangers – some of whom are nice, but roughly half of whom are trolls or at least assholes. And for that, I waste hours of my life endlessly scrolling.

    I had this realization with Twitter, and left it only to just spend more time here. Maybe it is time for me to realize that my problem is the way I interact with *any* endlessly scrollable social media. Maybe I need to cut myself off of all of them, even Reddit.

    I am giving it a few more days to think about it, but I am starting to lean towards the possibility that all of this has been a net negative on my life.

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