February 15, 2022 by UpwardsBeliever [ad_1] It never fails! [ad_2] View Reddit by UpwardsBeliever – View Source
Come on, they find 8 of those crappy ones first before they get the footage they use. February 15, 2022 at 4:56 am Reply
Then theres me who imported the same world through too many versions and found an End-city that didnt actually exist February 15, 2022 at 8:45 am Reply
Yeah i’m sure they don’t use / locate EndCity ahead of the episode.. nah.. February 15, 2022 at 12:02 pm Reply
well, if you played minecraft for 8 hours a day as a job, you’d get better at it. February 15, 2022 at 12:49 pm Reply
I always suspected they just pre-built the cities and like typical YouTube behavior, act all surprised when they discover a “natural” seeded cluster of Endcities. February 15, 2022 at 2:59 pm Reply
Come on, they find 8 of those crappy ones first before they get the footage they use.
Weak ass endcity right there
They probably use pre-scouted seeds.
If We gEt 1000dOwN votes all get $100giftcards
Two rooms? fancy.
Then theres me who imported the same world through too many versions and found an End-city that didnt actually exist
Yeah i’m sure they don’t use / locate EndCity ahead of the episode.. nah..
well, if you played minecraft for 8 hours a day as a job, you’d get better at it.
And still manage to die 7 times in the only end city I found
What’s an Endcity?
I always suspected they just pre-built the cities and like typical YouTube behavior, act all surprised when they discover a “natural” seeded cluster of Endcities.
At least you find them!
Codes and probably gets lots of help from their chat