It looks like Darth Vader is haunting my daughters room. Also he’s gay now.
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It looks like Darth Vader is haunting my daughters room. Also he’s gay now.
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Darth Gadar
Ghost Gadar
Darth Gayder
I love this, thanks for sharing.
I find your lack of gayness disturbing.
Rebels cum?
Darth Daddy
Clean up your room or face the true power of the dark side. Also, what do you think of my new sparkly rainbow-colored lightsaber.
Join the Dark Side….it’s fAAAAAbulous!
Darth Vader 💀☠️ 🏳️🌈💅
Because rainbow equals gay.
…because of Obi-Wan?
The head shape is more Megatron than Vader.
Gay Vader is best Vader.
Gay now???
Hello, police motorcycle boots with full length cape……
Could be…worse?
Darth Flamer 🌈
What do you mean “now”?
Well, he is owned by Disney now. Should’ve seen that coming.
Netflix star wars adaptation
Like May the force be like totally with ya
The crest on Birdman’s helmet.
*heavy mechanized breathing* “Luke, I am your daddy”
Good for him
That is obviously Megatron. Probably mistaking the barrel of his Lazer for a light saber but light sabers clearly cast no shadow.
With all that black leather, I always assumed he frequented The Blue Oyster.
Show tunes to a light saber fight? Sounds fabulous! 🤣
I mean… It’s national coming out day. The dark side just got more colorful.
He’s not gay he just loves the men. And not just the men, but the women and … oh no
Also Looks like Megatron..
Those rays are his Darth Gaydar.
*Jazz hands*
The dark side of the fabulous force
Clearly Megatron

Dude, that’s Megatron.. and he’s Faaabulous
So long gay Vader
It looks like Revenant from Alex Legends got caught trying to sneak away from a super fabulous, rainbow infused, turbo unicorn tea party
g1 megatron
It’s too bad that *gay* and *rainbows* are synonymous with homosexuality
The Iron Giant head tilt