This song is absolutely beautiful – I love it SO much.
But – not to shit on the parade – as a singer I wouldn’t say any of the notes were “insanely deep” or “insanely high-pitched”. The teenage baritone soloist is singing in a very comfortable range for most male singers – many boys his age can hit notes far far lower on the scale. The young contertenor is pre-pubescent – an age when most boys can sing in the soprano range.
He was bad and had to sing in the corner until he learned his lesson.
This song is absolutely beautiful – I love it SO much.
But – not to shit on the parade – as a singer I wouldn’t say any of the notes were “insanely deep” or “insanely high-pitched”. The teenage baritone soloist is singing in a very comfortable range for most male singers – many boys his age can hit notes far far lower on the scale. The young contertenor is pre-pubescent – an age when most boys can sing in the soprano range.
Still, a gorgeous song. Damn.
My favorite part was the ginger rocking the church mullet
Barritone/bass, was expecting an octavist or what we in the west call Basso Profondo. Disappointed.
Great singing, but why the neverending story logo?
Georgy Sviridov – Puskins Garland