In the gunfight finale of the 1959 comedy “Alias Jesse James”, Bob Hope and Rhoda Fleming get into a showdown with the bad guys. What they don’t know is that Hope is getting help from a cavalcade of suprise guest stars (from popular Western shows and films at that time).
In the gunfight finale of the 1959 comedy "Alias Jesse James", Bob Hope and Rhoda Fleming get into a showdown with the bad guys. What they don’t know is that Hope is getting help from a cavalcade of suprise guest stars (from popular Western shows and films at that time). from OldSchoolCool
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>!Hugh O’Brien as Wyatt Earp from *The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp*, James Arness as Marshall Matt Dillon from *Gunsmoke*, Roy Rogers as himself, Ward Bond as Seth Adams from *Wagon Train* (his final film role), Fess Parker as *Davy Crockett*, Gail Davis as *Annie Oakley*, Gary Cooper as Marshal Will Kane from *High Noon* and Jay Silverheels as Tonto from *The Lone Ranger*… and of course Bing Crosby as himself!<
Her name is Rhonda
The OG Avengers crossover
They sure like to blow on their guns.
The arrow in the back is the funniest by far.
The gag is really good, but man am I glad comedic pacing has gotten faster in the last 70 years.
Too bad they couldn’t book Rick Dalton too.
I did not expect to see Fess Parker but I’m not complaining. Davy Crockett was on repeat in my house growing up, to the point that at 6 years old I could recite the movie from memory
Endgame could never
ok that was wild – first off “I think there’s a man behind that barrel!” made me lol
Secondly, every single person was blowing on their guns, I was like there is no way this is not a running joke (otherwise, how redundant), then when the guy gets shot with the arrow I was 100% expecting the archer to blow on his bow comically like it was a gun – was devastated when he didn’t
My last thought is just how poorly paced the scene is relative to modern standards, lingers on certain shots too long – with tighter editing, this scene would work well even today
Whoever wrote the script thought blowing on a gun after shooting was the coolest thing ever. Great movie
Yes and my dad could most likely sit there and name every person and about 6 other shows and movies each of those actors were in. Dude isn’t even extremely old but he grew up on westerns with my gramps and it’s the only thing he still watches other than golf. “That was the guy that found Little Joe unconscious in that episode of Bonanza, also played a young gunfighter in Have Gun Will Travel, and since he was Italian he also played a Native American in an episode of Shiloh” type of stuff it’s crazy.
There sure were alot of westerns in the 60s and 70s
“I’m slicing again” made me laugh out loud. It’s not even that funny but for some reason.
If you’re a fan of Western spoofs, check out Bob Hope’s “The Paleface” from 1948. That was the first of his movies which made me laugh.
That’s absolutely amazing
I’ll admit, I geeked out when I saw Davey Crockett.
This is like the avengers of westerns.
Damn i want to play RDR2 now
Pure genius.
Love it.
I’m slicing again! Good ol Bob ya golf playing nut.
Thank you for posting this! I loved Bob Hope, and I vaguely recognize the other characters that I watched as a kid!
I wonder how many people under 50 can name half those people.
The modern equivalent would probably be if Conan O’Brien and Tina Fey were in a shootout and Paul Rudd, Timothy Olyphant, Will Arnett, Seth Rogan, et al all showed up
Is the guy that says yup mike judge???
This is great!!!!
The Portals scene of that era.
Hey Rhonda Fleming is my great grandma! We call her GG for Glamorous Grandma!
Most epic crossover event…ever!!
And people say that Avengers was the most ambitious crossover ever.
What happen with “show don’t tell” lol
I think I just relived my entire childhood!
It was a simpler time …
Nice to see Fess in the mix.
Does anyone know where this was filmed?
This made me smile. My dad (passed in 2018 at age 90) LOVED Westerns, especially John Wayne and comedies like this one. Since I lived with him for many years prior to his passing, many Saturday afternoons found him parked in his recliner with a full marathon of his favorite movies or Gunsmoke. Thanks for posting!
Brilliant.. Even Ole Danl’ Boone got in a shot..
The Western multiverse.
😂 “I’m slicing “ Gary Cooper “yep”