Sunday, March 9All That Matters

In the gunfight finale of the 1959 comedy “Alias Jesse James”, Bob Hope and Rhoda Fleming get into a showdown with the bad guys. What they don’t know is that Hope is getting help from a cavalcade of suprise guest stars (from popular Western shows and films at that time).

In the gunfight finale of the 1959 comedy “Alias Jesse James”, Bob Hope and Rhoda Fleming get into a showdown with the bad guys. What they don’t know is that Hope is getting help from a cavalcade of suprise guest stars (from popular Western shows and films at that time).

In the gunfight finale of the 1959 comedy "Alias Jesse James", Bob Hope and Rhoda Fleming get into a showdown with the bad guys. What they don’t know is that Hope is getting help from a cavalcade of suprise guest stars (from popular Western shows and films at that time). from OldSchoolCool


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