Well %$*@ me! It’s only taken 35 years but I feel vindicated and honestly quite relieved that I’m not crazy. I **do** remember these cars being around as an Australian kid in the ’80s. Thank you random Redditor.
So I worked on this car at Telecom Workshops Bulimba Queensland!!! And yes, it was a working phone, see the speaker and controls to the right of the Keypad 3. I converted to work using a cordless phone, so as long as we had the base station plugged in nearby, people could make calls from it using the keypad on the front.
It was based on a VW bug chassis, the body made of fibreglass.
It would be transported in a truck or container to parades etc. That isn’t me driving it!
I noticed the steering gear was very loose, and drove it a tenth of a km down the street to our repair shop and got in trouble with our manager for driving a car without a license plate. What he didn’t know is there was a license plate pop riveted inside it, so I told him off!
My Dad had a ‘mobile phone’ then. It was in a suitcase a little larger than a good-sized briefcase and probably weighed 30 pounds because of the large lead-acid battery. My Mom thought it was cool until she found out the monthly charge and made him sell it.
No car phone in the phone car
This is a weird way to predict the Uber app.
Long distance was about a dollar a gallon.
Ricky better not lose that number!
Having a phone car was even better
80’s Yuppie : I’m just calling you from my car
Me : I’m just Carring you from my phone.
Originally had a rotary dial steering wheel, but you couldn’t keep your hands at 10 and 2.
“Russia forced to activate outdated equipment for use in Ukraine.”
If a guy rolls up to the club in this, he’s driving home with your girl.
Isn’t that the fabulous doorman (or valet, a whistle and a thong isn’t a uniform) from the I’m Still Standing video?
I heard the first mobies ever launched were big.
I bet he dials at 50mph
Ok, but who is going to call me about an extended car warranty?The phone company or the car company?
Well %$*@ me! It’s only taken 35 years but I feel vindicated and honestly quite relieved that I’m not crazy. I **do** remember these cars being around as an Australian kid in the ’80s. Thank you random Redditor.
Australia.. before Telecom became Telstra
I want to see the old school modem that handset plugs into.
Don’t want to hear it though.
I prefer the Shoe car
Let alone to BE a car phone…..
My first mobile phone was slightly bigger than this.
Long-lost cousin of the Wienermobile.
This is now in the National Motor Museum, Birdwood, South Australia
Having a phone [BIKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01A6gx7UZ4o) in the 80’s was even more prestigious.
Where’s the star? Where’s the octothorpe? What amateurs.
The L L BEAN bootmobile is warmer in the winter…
So I worked on this car at Telecom Workshops Bulimba Queensland!!! And yes, it was a working phone, see the speaker and controls to the right of the Keypad 3. I converted to work using a cordless phone, so as long as we had the base station plugged in nearby, people could make calls from it using the keypad on the front.
It was based on a VW bug chassis, the body made of fibreglass.
It would be transported in a truck or container to parades etc. That isn’t me driving it!
I noticed the steering gear was very loose, and drove it a tenth of a km down the street to our repair shop and got in trouble with our manager for driving a car without a license plate. What he didn’t know is there was a license plate pop riveted inside it, so I told him off!
My Dad had a ‘mobile phone’ then. It was in a suitcase a little larger than a good-sized briefcase and probably weighed 30 pounds because of the large lead-acid battery. My Mom thought it was cool until she found out the monthly charge and made him sell it.
Being driven by… Muammar Gaddafi?