Monday, February 24All That Matters

In an attempt to find long-lost guitarist Bukka (Booker) White, music historian Jeff Fahey sent a letter addressed only, “Bukka White (Old Blues Singer), Aberdeen, MS,” White’s hometown. The letter found him in 1963 working at a Memphis tank factory. Bukka White – Aberdeen Mississippi Blues, c. 1967

In an attempt to find long-lost guitarist Bukka (Booker) White, music historian Jeff Fahey sent a letter addressed only, “Bukka White (Old Blues Singer), Aberdeen, MS,” White’s hometown. The letter found him in 1963 working at a Memphis tank factory. Bukka White – Aberdeen Mississippi Blues, c. 1967

In an attempt to find long-lost guitarist Bukka (Booker) White, music historian Jeff Fahey sent a letter addressed only, “Bukka White (Old Blues Singer), Aberdeen, MS,” White’s hometown. The letter found him in 1963 working at a Memphis tank factory. Bukka White – Aberdeen Mississippi Blues, c. 1967 from OldSchoolCool


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