In 2021 SNL got caught stealing a bit from comedy podcast Cum Town as well.
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In 2021 SNL got caught stealing a bit from comedy podcast Cum Town as well.
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I’m gay actor, Michael Balls Penis and I approve this message.
Wow the only thing less cool than stealing bits from a gay podcast would be to make a youtube channel where you repost those bits with 3 minutes of talking at the start.
They stole the bit but Adam comes off really whiny in this video. And the bleached hair is not working for him
“What are your pronouns?”… “Steve Buscemi.”
Cumtown isn’t even on anymore and Nick Millions is a fraud.
I’m Ryan Schutt.
But Robot Chicken did this in like 2014…
What’s Cum Town? Is it anything like my favorite center-left podcast, The Adam Friedland Show?
I don’t know, certainly could be stolen but I could see two independent parties coming up with this concept
SNL stole Cumtown’s woke Sopranos riff for a bit as well
They have the same premise, but virtually every hack comic had a bit about the rat and sex when Ratatouille came out. It’s a pretty basic idea once you know what the movie is about. But you can’t own an idea. It’s how you execute it that counts and these two videos are nothing alike. A few guys sitting around *talking* about what “would be funny” is not the same as an actually written and performed sketch.
This is parallel thinking. I could easily see my boys and me smoking it up and coming up with the same idea. Chances are we probably already did. Or What adult watching the movie wasn’t also like “but what if…”.
It just doesn’t seem like a truly original idea.
This one is not nearly as convincingly stolen as the Joel Haver one. The Joel bit had striking similarities like that both bears wanted to be dancer rather than an ass-wiper. But in this one there are striking differences, like the Cum Town guy says the human would not want to reveal that he had a rat under his hat, while the SNL sketch is based on the guy readily revealing this and having a conversation about it. I’m not convinced this one was stolen at all. I mean, what is there even to steal? Cum Town discussed it briefly in a podcast, it wasn’t even a fully formed sketch.
Ratatouille except it’s sex instead of cooking is simply not that original or hard to come up with. I doubt it was stolen
rats controlling humans to do things is not only an old story, it is the original one.
Could be coincidence as well.
There are so many content producers out there now and they are all plucking fruit from the same low branches, you will naturally have a lot of overlapping ideas.
When you see a movie with a rat that can directly control a human, the first goof that comes to my extremely mature mind is “what if he fucks?” It’s the easiest, laziest goof you can make with Ratatouille.
I guess it could be theft but I feel like it is at least just as likely to be parallel thinking. It’s not exactly a sophisticated premise. Sex rat is not even low-hanging fruit, SNL and Cum Town both just scooped this rotten apple up off the ground.
wait, what about a diaper?
So the evidence here is “we said it would be funny if ratatouille fucked”. Why play the whole podcast clip if none of the rest of it related to the SNL clip? Does this person seriously think this podcast is the only people capable of coming up with that basic premise? Seriously?
i’m pretty sure any group of people riffing on the premise of rattoutiele are going to get to “rattoutiele but for fucking” in like the first minute.
This is like, the first thing that any one though to joke about after watching that movie.
“Oh the rat controls him while cooking, but what about all the other stuff too hahaha mysenseofhumorisstuckinmiddleschool hahaha.”
Are we seriously gonna pretend this joke wasn’t made the second the film came out?
I don’t like this emerging genre of people reporting comedy like the news. Give me the text over the screen while showing the footage of what’s going down instead.
Comedy feels too unique of a topic that involves the individual entertainer for someone else to sit there talking about it to me.
Is parallel thinking the right terminology? Or is linear thinking correct?
Other than ratatouille it’s entirely different I don’t agree that this is plagiarism
This “skit” is so surface level its hard for anyone to claim it as an original thought. I’ve never heard of Cum Town, but I have heard this joke within moments of the movie coming out.
This IS parallel thinking. This is what bugs me about the desire for “gotcha” moments and stuff since the Joe Rogan/Mencia thing. This is not stealing. It’s a hack obvious bit. This is IN THE MOVIE. The rat makes the guy kiss the girl IN THE MOVIE. No one stole a sketch idea from someone else, they ripped it off from the thing the sketch is based on.
I think I made this joke after watching Ratatouille.
I can’t wait for “Jamaican Sebastian the Crab” next. Of all skits this one is clearly one of those “uhh say something to pass the time” bits that made cumtown funny
I can this as being parallel thinking. But damn that SNL sketch is soooo poorly executed.
She looks exactly like I thought people who like cumtown to look like.
Joel Haver’s response is really level headed reasoning as to why you should not be outraged by this.
That’s all this post is designed to do, spark fake outrage
Not gonna lie that girl was super annoying and trying way too hard to ooze sarcastic disdain.
Also, sure the idea is similar but it’s a skit vs two guys talking about movie ideas. It could be stolen but it might also have happened independently. Either way, its not close enough to being the same that anyone needs to give af. It’s not impacting anyone negatively.
Sorry, but no – this joke is too easy and has been used too many times to say it came from one place.
No, they didn’t steal a bit from Cum Town in 2021.
Seems pretty basic that the rat would help him fuck. There’s been several memes and jokes about it even when the movie came out and today. They didn’t steal it at all. Also the CumTown people sound like they didn’t even watch the movie because they make it clear that the Remy doesn’t talk to Alfredo at all and there’s several scenes from the Remy’s perspective inside the hat that he can see through the fabric.
Other than the premise (Ratatouille but fucking), I don’t see too many similarities. And this is not a hard premise to stumble on.
When SNL did a sketch about a dating app called Settle where you just settle for a partner, I was part of a comedy group that felt it was similar to our work. But, turns out there were at least 4 other popular sketches like it – and we all called the app/site some version of Settle. [I even wrote an article about it](https://www.vulture.com/2016/07/parallel-thinking-is-real-one-concept-six-sketches-and-a-whole-slew-of-plagiarism-accusations.html). Parallel thinking is real.
SNL does this more than you realize. I know they have stolen a bit from the guys from Workaholics podcast called This Is Important Podcast. Can’t remember what it was but they continually joke about SNL going to steal their bits.
Joel Haver had a skit stolen by SNL recently too.
Wow, neither of them were funny. Why bother ripping that off.
Jay Mohr once lifted a standup comic’s entire act and turned it into a character on the show. And when confronted with it, he lied about it for years.
What? If that was the podcast episode, they really didn’t go beyond a basic premise for the joke. Not that I care. Neither of those things were funny.
Who’s this wet blanket of a whiny chick in the video? Mah gawd, her voice makes me want to end it all.
Etcet, etcet…(cringe)
But at least the staff is more diverse now. That’s of utmost importance when selecting talent!
They shouldn’t catch heat for stealing a joke, they should catch heat because it’s like the first joke any hack comic would make about the premise of Ratatouille.
I don’t love SNL but this seems like parallel thinking, at best.
Why is this on the front page? This is a reach and wouldn’t hold up in any court. Any stoner that has seen that rat movie probably had the same thoughts
Don’t give cumtown credit for anything please, this is older than that shit
Head writers at SNL are known thieves, they even steal from the actors that write their own bits on the show so no surprise their farming the internet for material since they haven’t been funny since Hader left.