Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

In 1964, Bobby Fischer, aged 21 playing chess against 50 opponents simultaneously, he won 47, drew 2


  • And lost 1?

    47+2= 49…

    Tbh. Playing against 50 opponents really isnt a big deal in chess. Its not like other sports where numbers give you a real advantage.
    Its really not much different from just playing 50 games in a row.

    I could beat 50 opponents if they were just a few lvls behind me

    Not saying Fisher wasnt great.
    Just saying this isnt the kind of achievement that is really valued in chess

  • This was with boards, though. George Koltanowski was a chess player who set a record in 1937 by playing 34 games *simultaneously* while *blindfolded*. That was later eclipsed by some other guy, but Koltanowski also set another record by playing 56 *consecutive* games while blindfolded, with only ten seconds per move. He won 50 and lost 6.

    I tried to play blindfolded with a friend. He could go 12 moves or more; I would always get bogged down by then.

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