Imagine getting mocked by a game you’re helping to create..
Imagine getting mocked by a game you’re helping to create.. from gaming
View Reddit by Nordcurrent_Labs – View Source
Imagine getting mocked by a game you’re helping to create..
Imagine getting mocked by a game you’re helping to create.. from gaming
View Reddit by Nordcurrent_Labs – View Source
Looks to me like a skill issue
Watching this mad me irrationally mad lol I *hate* being stunlocked in video games -continues playing Elden Ring-
Hmmmm, interesting.
I really like the ragdoll physics, how when he first gets hit he’s like flailing his arms and trying to regain balance, really fun
That’s how you resolve conflicts between game developers. “Oh you think you’re code is best? Wait til you get to the spiny pigs attack force buddy”
Can somebody do the gif save thing please
What’s the game
“fuck u”
~ Sincerely, Game.
You pizza’d when you should have french fried
Its your fault for adding the War pigs then.
These are some really good physics
I don’t know why exactly, but I can’t stop watching this and laughing my ass off!!!
Game just said…”Go fuck yourself,…have a nice day”…
You can almost hear the guy in game saying …”Oh fuck me…ow…ow….fuck me twice…oh for fuck’s sake!!!!!!”
What’s that, Muslim Hell?
Suicide bombers made of pork, that’s pretty funny
Isn’t that just how Running With Scissors writes Postal games?
From software difficulties
Should’ve zigged there. You zagged and got ragged.
Get NorthernLion to play it once it is done. He can make a 20hr series of a game like this and it will be gold cuz he is commentary is so great
Try jumping
Dog ahead
Huh, pigs-bombs is an intersting idea
What game is this?
Is that yet “Just another Alt-F4-Clone”?
Bth Alt-F4 is just a Ben and Ed clone
*mobile game ads be like*
Call it Ragequit lol
I mean you ran straight into the second bomb pig instead of side stepping. Your fault
That just shows everyone gets treated the same. Even the Devs 👍
So this sub accepts straight up Instagram ads posted by company accounts now?
Nothing more enraging than getting stuck in some sort of loop like this.
Wow really good physics here, did you created the ragdoll system yourself or is it a library ?
Brutal wheels 3d
Did you make this in Unreal Engine 5?
Exploding pigs. *heavy breathing.* I need this in my life