I’ve never had a problem with the auto save not working. What HAS given me problems is the auto save screwing me because it saves at a very inconvenient moment. Halo 3 was pretty infamous (in my experience) for auto saving when the main cannon attack from a Wraith was 3 frames from hitting you from behind.
And then you save 3 times cause you can’t trust your own manual save
I’ve never had a problem with the auto save not working. What HAS given me problems is the auto save screwing me because it saves at a very inconvenient moment. Halo 3 was pretty infamous (in my experience) for auto saving when the main cannon attack from a Wraith was 3 frames from hitting you from behind.
Trust no one!!
“I changed weapons after the autosave and I don’t wanna change it again every time I come back here”
I do this all the time lol
this has to be a bot