Monday, March 10All That Matters

I’m hyped for Jedi survivor, but imo this is will always be the best


  • I have no issue with you saying this one is the best. I very much do not agree, but you like what you like.

    However, I find it very ridiculous you’re saying this is the best when you haven’t even played Jedi Survivor lmfao.

  • I don’t care what anyone says, it’s still my favorite Star Wars game ever

    I still play it like once a year

    No other game gives you as much control over the force and your lightsabers

    It’s so fun to just force grab a Stormtrooper and throw it across the room

  • The first Force Unleashed was a masterpiece, I’d argue the best Star Wars game of all time.

    I played Force Unleashed 2 back when it came out, and I was a young kid so I still had a blast with it. I loved how powerful you felt and some of the environments were pretty fun.

    Looking at it now, it is definitely a cash grab that was a fraction of the quality that the first game was. But I have some nostalgia for them both.

  • This game is not good. The first one wasn’t very good either. I played all the way through both of them last year. I scoff when I see people waxing nostalgic all over them like they were amazing. Star Wars games that are better:

    Dark Forces,
    Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight,
    Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast,
    Jedi Academy,
    Jedi Fallen Order,
    Jedi Survivor,
    Knights of the Old Republic,
    Knights of the Old Republic II,
    The Knights of the Old Republic,
    Battlefront II,
    Republic Commando,
    Rogue Squadron,
    Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader,
    Shadows of the Empire,
    Episode I: Racer,
    X-Wing/Tie Fighter/VS

    And more, but I’ll stop there. Yeah, these games might not even be amongst the Top 20 Star Wars games.

    Edit: commas

  • The concept and big ideas were really cool imo, but they were poorly executed and there was limited amount of content. In other words, it was suffering from ‘George Lucas syndrome’ lol.

    The game itself looked fantastic and the abilities were awesome. However, it felt like they doubled down on being a God of War clone (ironic, I know) rather than experimenting a bit more with what they could do, especially with the story.

    The concept of Vader having a secret apprentice and using them as a weapon to wipe out his enemies to and attempt to overthrow Darth Sidious fits the Sith Lord theme so well. Count Dooku did it with Ventress and Savage. And I’m sure countless other Sith did the same thing.

    Make no mistake, Starkiller is a ridiculous Mary Sue, no cap, but you gotta admit they made him so cool and allowed the player to live through that Star Wars power fantasy, it could be ignored for the sake of the fun.

    I also like how the game touched on this big question: If you can create and sustain an entire army of loyal clones with mind control chips, why can’t you create army of force-user clones?

    Vader wanted to be able to clone a totally obedient and powerful version of his former secret apprentice. Creating an entire army’s worth of defective clones just to get one successful clone of his apprentice just sounds so crazy and over-the-top, but it works because it’s frickin Darth Vader and its Star Wars, an over-the-top fantasy disguised as a sci-fi.

    I just wish they did more world building and explored why it was so hard to clone Jedi/force users and why even the Emperor never attempted it (until we learned he did in Rise of the Skywalker, bleh). Were there significant drawbacks? Could the clones just not be able to handle the force because they’re not “natural”? And then those details would support the protagonist’s character development and give it more substance via the world-building.

    I also liked how, early on, we didn’t know if Vader was just continuously creating new clones of Starkiller, or if he was just constantly going through a loop of reviving, reprogramming, and then killing the original Starkiller himself. Vader proved he could bring Starkiller back from the dead before, so why can’t he just do it again and again until he got it right?

    And then there was the dark side ending. The music was tragic, the cinematography was really good. Most importantly, all of the supporting cast was brutally killed off by the evil Starkiller clone. All that was left was him and Vader. Literally back to square one.

    What this meant, at least to me, was that now the evil Starkiller would always have a chance, no matter how slim, to be able to return to canon, even if his own origins get retconned (especially his power level cuz some of Starkiller’s feats are so Mary Sue it hurts too much to be canon). All of the strings and everything else that was holding the character back were gone and he could make a return.

    I won’t lie, I wish that a version of Starkiller made it into Star Wars Rebels. After Vader made his entrance, I think it would have been really cool to see him kind of play this political game with Sidious, sending out his own agents, like his secret apprentice, after the Rebels to track down the hidden weapon/temple that they were searching for while Sidious sends the inquisitors and Grand Admiral Thrawn. I would pay big bucks to see Ahsoka vs Starkiller vs Maul vs the Inquisitors.

  • When the first game dropped it was an event. That first level with Vader in Kashyyk. *Gotdamb*.

    One of those games I wish I could go back in time and play for the first time again.

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