I’m enjoying Starfield but it has one of the worst maps I’ve ever seen. This is the city map.
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I’m enjoying Starfield but it has one of the worst maps I’ve ever seen. This is the city map.
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It’s actively worse than no map at all
I don’t even know what i’m looking at
Kinda looks like just rough render of terrain, like it’s from early in the design process or something.
They left making the map to the modding community.
Gotta meet the deadline
Its fucking awful,
However, I switched off the Blue HUD dot/hexagon because all I was doing was following a dot which is no fun.
Even missions like “you need to find the key pass” are ruined because it makes it obvious,
I’ve noticed that the sign posts and buildings are clearly labelled, it forces you to explore and its quite functionable and I’m enjoying it
Looks like Ace Combat maps
Because they use the same map for planets. I guess they decided that rather than making a special map for cities they would use one that was already done
Use scanner mode more.
I think it’s ok for a terrain map of a planet. But you say it’s a city map. I haven’t played Starfield yet. How much city is there? Should the map show structures and buildings?
Could at least draw a holographyc scheme of a major city…
Yeah it’s a mess. Trying to find shops to buy equipment is impossible
This type of map might be okay when exploring a planet surface but is absolutley useless in towns. There should have been a different type of map for towns.
Agree, how a scifi game not have a decent map… Like the technology isn’t enough?
“Why spend time making a city map when a modder is just gonna make a better one?”
I’m enjoying the fuck out of this game, but the map and the menus are the worst parts imo.
Leave it to Starfield, I’ve never actually read city signs or traveled to districts based on name alone to try and find the things I wanted for example to find your parents tower the name is Pioneer so went looking at signs in residential area and found it based on sign and for weapons shop I found it by read names of stores.
I agree. It’s almost as if they didn’t have time to finish maps… Because how did this idea even get approved?
it really is beyond awful
looks like the briefing map from Ace Combat 4
It was nice of them to also use the worst inventory system ever so the worst map ever didn’t feel lonely.
Lack of an actual map or minimap will hopefully be fixed in future updates
16x the detail
Starfield effectively doesn’t have a map. That may or may not be fixed, but it hasn’t actually gotten in the way of anything yet, and it’s kinda making me pay more attention to city layouts.
This is by far the most legitimate complaint about this game. No idea what they were thinking with this. I’m good with no mini map but an actual map to reference occasionally would be a game changer
There’s a surprising number of shitty parts of this otherwise pretty good game so far.
The skills interface looks like a intern designed it.
All the maps suck. That one and the star system maps are pretty awkward too.
Yeah, the city map is atrocious.
Though, it’s pretty on brand for Bethesda, if you go back to FO4 or Skyrim, the world map looks good! But closer city maps have always sucked to the point of being useless.
And then you get the quest to look for the package that the dude lost in one of three stores. But they’re not marked so you literally have to run around the entire city looking at store names one after another because Bethesda is unable to make a map of New Atlantis or any other hub area. How hard can it be? Ridiculous.
im assuming they just ran out of money or something? i dunno…. im finding it hard to excuse this bullshit in a AAA game. its not even genre fitting… considering this is the FUTURE and they would absolutely have better geographic scanning technology.
The map needs work. The overall UI needs a lot of work.
I laugh every time I open the map and am reminded how utterly useless it is. Lol
I love the game but the UI is dog shit
City maps in this game are awful. Just give me a real map of the city. How hard is that?
It doesnt have to be some crazy GPS map. Just highlight the pathways and poi’s, shops, ect. Like the paper map mods from skyrim with less… Paper
Maybe it’s supposed to encourage immersion but it just comes across as lazy 😂
I understand why they didn’t put detailed maps in the game so people shouldn’t be complaining about that… However not having detailed maps for the major cities is just pure laziness. There is no excuse for the major cities to not have maps
I like the game and I’m enjoying it as well. However, the UI is one of the worsts things. Even if I played on a controller, its a mess.
getting around in this game is a hassle. it doesn’t need to be this annoying, games with far less money do a much better job of city travel