Wednesday, February 19All That Matters

I’m 61 and just launched my first YouTube channel! (I did the voiceover too:) Do you guys think it’s good enough?


I’m 61 and just launched my first YouTube channel! (I did the voiceover too:) Do you guys think it’s good enough?


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  • “Admiral Byrd discovered a hidden land mass beyond the Earth’s poles” a ha ha ha ha another Youtube crackpot. Join the club.

    Stock footage, cheap video effects and non-sourced bullshit. Skip.

  • We know that nothing is original but remember that the only original is how you done things, keep that in mind and continue working on your videos I’m sure you’ll hit a jackpot in the future. I agree that the cheap mystery voice is not good nowadays. I like how who asked at the end of the video

  • That was fun. Also impressive production quality even with all the stock footage comments in here. Keep going and don’t listen to the negatives. We are clear though, this didn’t happen, right? 😂

  • Aw that was really well made! Great work! Very nice voice-over work, very clean and smooth! Very interesting! Subscribed! I look forward to more videos and maybe even longer ones, NICE!!!! Love it!!!

  • It’s good. Is your voice naturally that low? If it isn’t, try speaking more naturally. Try to deliver your dialogue more from a place of natural curiosity vs. campfire spooky. That’s just a suggestion, maybe it will sound worse but worth a try. Also consider what you want your audience to believe:
    Do you want them to believe in these stories?
    Do you want them to believe that you believe these stories?
    Do you want them to believe that these stories are nonsense?
    Do you want them to question their reality?
    Do you want to spark imagination?
    I only mention these because that will serve to inform your dialogue. For example:
    “…nor the US government who claim to have no knowledge or records of this mysterious and extraordinary moment in history.”
    It’s not technically a moment in history if it never happened. I might rephrase it as “… of the existence of this mysterious and extraordinary hidden world.”

    Then you can conclude it less like a high school essay and more with some audience engagement. Something like:
    “What do *you* think? Could it be just a story to gain him some attention? Could he have witnessed a top secret military or scientific shadow operation? Or did Admiral Bird actually stumble upon a secret so great, that if proven, shatters our preconception of humanity’s place on this world forever.”

  • Just a little tip so you don’t get screwed by youtube – the music you’re using in the background is copyrighted (unsolved mysteries I think) and could possibly garner a strike against your channel. Just be careful is all – I wish you all the success with your new channel.

  • Voice work is good. The images are interesting. The nature of the content is going to get its share criticism for good reason.

    One place you need to improve is with your actual story telling and explaining. One of the challenges with explaining something well, is that you first need to understand it yourself, but once you understand something your brain will automatically want to condense that information. The result is that, when you explain it, you dont even think to cover certain details that you beleive are implied. You don’t even realize that you think it’s implied. The core content will be there, but it comes across as a poor delivery to someone who is learning this information for the first time.

    For example, “The theory…”, “It is said…”, “mystery”. At no point did you explain why it is a mystery. A mystery is something unexplained, what is unexplained here? Where did the theory come from? While we know nothing can be proven, what should have us at least believe that this could be more than just a fiction that your father used to tell you at bed time?

    This isn’t just “more detail” to be added. This is critical to the flow and delivery of the story you are telling.

  • “It is said….”

    Wild conspiracy story follows.

    People make up silly tales and spread them on the Internet with impunity. I can’t take anyone seriously who starts sentences with “It is said” or “some people think.” If you’re not naming your sources, especially with this kind of content, I know I’ll learn very little that is factual.

  • Video was well done and nicely presented.

    I looked at your other videos. You seem fascinated by woo and baseless conspiracy.

    You do realize ghosts are not real and there is no such thing as a hollow earth right?

  • This is great, I find the hollow earth stuff fascinating.

    I was searching for a phone call/prank call podcast one night and stumbled upon the rss feed for recordings of “private” conference calls hosted by one of those cheesy free voip companies.

    They’d been setting up these rss feeds for participants of the calls to listen for something like 12 years at the time I found the feed.

    All of the calls were hosted by scam groups, and they obviously had no clue the calls would ever be listened to by anyone outside their groups. They talked about how to deal w/ the FBI, fake foreign investments, all kinds of insane stuff.

    One of them was a call where a guy from albuquerque faked being a military general who worked on UFOs at area 51. It was all about transcending to the 5th dimension and making the journey to the hollow earth, where his soul was from, where the water and trees could talk to you through telepathy, and where his gold/crystal head bands that he sold for $250 each would make you royalty.

    Truly amazing stuff, hidden right in plain site. Really wish I had a better way to share the calls.

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