If you turn the bulls logo upside down it looks like a robot getting intimate with a crab
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If you turn the bulls logo upside down it looks like a robot getting intimate with a crab
View Reddit by fistmcbeefpunch – View Source
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I always thought the robot was reading the Torah…
That crabs got CAKES DAYUM
Looks like Marshmello is getting busy with a crab.
Aaaaaaaaand now I can’t unsee that…
My favorite Daft Punk video
Fairly well describes how last season went for the Bulls, too.
DJ Robot playing on a crab table.
That face is not intimacy. That robot is hatefucking that crab.
Greeat now my monitor is upside down
I see Baymax delivering a sad eulogy.
Or a ~~robot~~ droid riding a Star Wars speeder.
It’s a crab robot selling stuff from one of those trays with a shoulder strap.
Revenge Fuck!
Or a robot reading a book
Damn. Bulls deep.
Thats true
When I was younger, I my city people used to believe it was nun reading the bible.
And he’s not to happy about it
You don’t even provide the [upside down version?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EFzggqEXUAA-qUQ.jpg) Judas Priest.
That cannot just be coincidence right?
You need to explain that the robot is fucking the crab doggystyle
I see it now. Mind blown!
Put the image upside down, doofus.
If you look at the viper logo upside down you’ll see Daffy Duck
Or a robot reading a tome on an altar
Boy, it really does.
Roger. *ROGER!*
That it does. Thanks?
Hahaha! It does!
Filed under *things I can’t unsee*
It just looks like the boss from Monsters Inc. Mr. Waternoose
Excuse me, that robit is reading a book.
Now you have to turn the red dog bottle cap upside down
Who’s going to tell him about the red dog beer logo?
Can we downvote trash karma farming of multi year old memes here?
That freaky robot getting more than intimate

Why did I have to turn my phone upside down for this? And why did I do it?
I will never not see this
How HIGH were you when you made this post

I see what you’re sayin but what possessed you to even notice something like that loooool