If the Universe Formed from Nothing, Who Created the Nothing?
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If the Universe Formed from Nothing, Who Created the Nothing?
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Carl Pei
Some dope really spent their time putting this shit together lmao. Within the first minute and the guy is asking two leading questions that are dripping with assumptions. Didn’t need to watch past that to figure out the guy’s answer would be god. Skipped to the last 30 seconds and wasn’t surprised at all.
Asking “who created the nothing” is a pretty bad question because it assumes two huge premises. 1) there’s an answer to “who”, i.e. an agent, 2) that “the nothing” is a created thing.
Certainly the *idea* of “nothing” is a thing (a word/concept) and was created by a “who” (human agents). So at least that has an answer.
P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia.
I’ve seen The Nether Ending Story, it’s lack of imagination that creates The Nothing.