if the hardcore band’s guitarist looks like this, you are about to die in that pit. Oil on canvas.
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if the hardcore band’s guitarist looks like this, you are about to die in that pit. Oil on canvas.
View Reddit by seamuswray – View Source
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Who is that?
MJs be like: “*chuckles* I’m in danger”
Is that Peter Parker?
If Tobey Maguire and Stephen Merchant had a love child.
Joe pera shreds to you
Tobey McGuire has a band?
Stephen Merchant?
It’s pizza time!
Steve? Steve, is that you?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
Is that an SLC Punk Reference?
Why is Peter high as a kite?
Why is Peter Parker going to kill me?
I missed the part where that’s my problem
“Pizza Time”
Nice work!
I heard at one point he grew 2 extra set of arms just so that he could play a triple neck guitar.
Is that tobey maguire
*Singer pacing back and forth in green gym shorts*
“What the fuck is up, Des Moines? We’re Scrut and this song is called Widow! TEAR THIS PLACE APART!”
A great example is Show Me The Body.
They put on an amazing show a few weeks ago and the place was churning with people for their whole set.
Highly recommend it.

– J. Jonah Jameson
Gotta have that “I work in IT and I want to die” energy.
Best title for painting I have seen in a while!
Thought I was in r/raimimemes for a second
The chill quiet dude in glasses in *SLC Punk!* who’s chill until he needs to crack a skull or two.