This sort of showcases why VR is so hard to sell to the plebs and luddites. It looks bad, unless you’re the one doing it, in which case it looks and feels great. But if you’re already doing it, you don’t need to be sold on VR any more.
People are getting motion sickness becuse this is a speed up game play of Blade and sorcery, that’s the reason becuse the moviment and Head are so fast
I would be blasting puke all around my living room. Eventually my wife would come in to just see me standing and dry heaving and then she would slowly back out of the room.
🤢 🤮
The way that man’s arms flail in his line vision must be where his power comes from.
Annnnnnnnd I’m already motion sick
Nope nope nope no thank you.
The lens flare……. MY EYES ARE NOT LENSES.
Kinda looks like Dying light
I’m trying to figure out my oculus stuff so I can get mods for blade and sorcery
I was waiting for it to cut to someone vomiting profusely.
No thanks I don’t want to puke
Guessing this is a mod for Gorilla Tag?
And that’s why VR will never replace traditional screens and gaming.
Wouldn’t the top 30% of the screen be covered by hood as well?
So basically mirror edge or dying light…
Is constantly flailing your arms around key to the parkour gameplay?
This sort of showcases why VR is so hard to sell to the plebs and luddites. It looks bad, unless you’re the one doing it, in which case it looks and feels great. But if you’re already doing it, you don’t need to be sold on VR any more.
You mean first person, not VR.
Edit: holdup I am wrong af that is not an animation but gameplay
Def sped up gameplay but still
My hands and knees hurt after watching this…
Time to pop the dramamine.
People are getting motion sickness becuse this is a speed up game play of Blade and sorcery, that’s the reason becuse the moviment and Head are so fast
Let me throw up ahead of time… maybe I can play it afterwards
I really expected the jump to end with broken TV sounds and a person yelling out in pain.
It works for that monkey tag game it could work here
Is this blade and sorcery
Puke fest
I would be blasting puke all around my living room. Eventually my wife would come in to just see me standing and dry heaving and then she would slowly back out of the room.
Vomit simulator
Answering common questions
Game: Blade & Sorcery
Mods: Tools of Trade, Connor Avatar, Assassin’s Tomahawk
Specs: 3090, 5950x, PCVR Quest 2
[Full video if you’re interested](
Even if my brain will hadle it – my room wont
Motion Sickness speedrun
Urp… Blaaaargh 🤢
People who think this is cool have never played a ton of motion activated vr lol.
When you move in game and your body doesn’t move your brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrr and motion sickness makes you wanna barf lol.
After a while you can get used to moving with a joystick while standing still and even that sometimes is a bit much lol
Gotta get that vomit bucket attachment
Lmao since when was AC was ever that action packed
TIL many gamers suffer motion sickness.
Am I the only one who was expecting this to start, and have it just be a blacked out image, because the hood is too far down over the eyes?
Fixed it
Whoever things this is a good idea for VR has never touched VR headset. Change my mind
Mirror’s edge: “am I a joke to you?”
I think I’m gonna be motion sick
I can smell the vomit from here.
Jumping + Falling in VR = bad time
You’d need to strap on a giant nosebag to catch all the puke.