I wonder how many bricks would’ve been shat if DOOM 2 came out looking like this in 1994.
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I wonder how many bricks would’ve been shat if DOOM 2 came out looking like this in 1994.
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This is with ray tracing.
[Doom2 Lights for PrBoom+Raytracing addon](https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-lights-for-raytraced-prboom/addons/doom2-lights-for-prboomraytracing)
1 brick for every demon
The lighting reminds me of DOOM 64.
Its actually insane how well raytracing can elevate old games, if you haven’t already take a look at the [half life rtx mod](https://github.com/sultim-t/xash-rt/releases), its actually amazing how much more immersive the game is with rtx on.
I think there is also a half life 2 rtx mod in the works but I doubt my 2060 can handle it.
Mixing 24/32 bit lighting effects over 256 color VGA pixels looks like ass IMO.
Alternatively, imagine playing something like Sunlust back in 1994. Or even just seeing a level like House of Corrosion from Sunder.
People would shat bricks knowing their pc would be bricked by this tech lel
Raytracing was the first rendering method. It’s physically most accurate and easiest for implementation. But it’s most costly for PCs to run and no 1994 PC was capable to run Doom with raytracing. John Carmac had to be very creative and optimize the hell out of it.
They’d be confused why the lighting is so good while everything else looks like shit
Original doom had even lighting so you could see everything. The vastness and scope of some of the levels was one of the highlights.
The raytracing obscures a lot of the detail in those screenshots and narrows the field of view which negates one of the cool features original Doom 1/2 had.
Mario 64 piano still takes the cake
It wasn’t technically possible so… none?
I remember being pretty blown away by how awesome DOOM 2 looked when it came out in 94.
Well everyone after their PC exploded trying to deal with the lighting and shading
I was there in 94. I guarantee you I would have not been able to play because my jaw would have been on the floor. Granted, literally no home PC im aware of had the horsepower to do these graphics in 94.
If real-time tech like this came out in ’94, that would have been proof that future tech had been smuggled back to the 90’s by Kansas-Grasshopper-in-King-Arthur’s-Court John Carmack.
And yes, that WAS a Mark Twain reference. And also a Civvie reference, ofc.
To be fair on the CRT of the days back then, it was pretty epic
I’m 41 and have probably played more Doom 2 in my life than the vast majority of Redditors. I had to come into the comments to figure out what was different. I guess the lighting is obviously better, but… I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but it doesn’t feel like the groundbreaking, brick shitting difference the title is suggesting.
[Some comparison shots (Original vs. RT vs. RT w/ flashlight)](https://i.imgur.com/avJuQEJ.jpg)
It would have been the best ‘one frame per week’ slideshow you have ever seen.
Think I’m one of the only people that doesn’t like ray tracing or newer “realistic” lighting