There are people in their 30s today buying houses, building families, and being productive citizens. There were people in your parent’s generation that wasted their lives on some bullshit. You’re not special. You’ve lived your life in such a way that achievements in a virtual setting give you more joy than the achievements in your real life. Again, you’re not alone here. You recognizing the imbalance is this weak step towards pulling the escapism needle out of your arm. This meme could be nothing, meaningless. This meme could also be something beautiful, a wake-up call. Your soul will finally wake up and say, fuck kids and a house, I’m killing zombies. You kill those zombies OP. You kill em all.
My dad, stepmother and even my friends parents would ‘buy’ a house just to move out 1-3 years later into another house. They did that a lot. Just a way to make money off rising real estate.
I literally laughed out loud at this while laying on the couch with my girlfriend.
She asked what I was laughing at and I said: “you won’t get it.”
She asked to see it anyways and then of course proceeded to stare at it in confusion:
“You’re right, I don’t get it but I’m sure you will share it with your friends”
Me: *screenshots post to send to my discord friends* “Yeah.”
Your parents bought a house in their 30’s? What are they, millennials? My parents bought a house in their early 20’s with only one parent working (in the air force no less) for $20k and that house is now worth $350k. Also my parents don’t understand inflation.
It pains me that I agree. 😂
Did you at least cut the 20 minutes off?
“If I get this scope glitch right I can take 20 minutes off my RE4 remake run from my parents’ basement”
Wait till you’re in your 40s and come talk to me
This is hilarious
OP is inheriting his parents’ house so he can happily focus on RE4 speedruns
Can’t agree for more lol
I mean, as a millennial in your 30s it’s not like you could afford a house anyway, even if you were 40… So you might as well go for the RE4 Speedrun..
Me in my 30’s: I have a mortgage.
Stop whining.
Doesn’t help that the housing market is dogshit
You can grenade the wrecking ball wall 4 times and it breaks in 1 swing. You can also grenAde the anti aircraft gun on the island. You’re welcome.
I bought a house and I’m in my 30s. Still not sure if it was a good idea.
you’re not even going to try to make life work on your own.
Why not both?
30s? try, 20s.
I bought my first house in my twenties. The gaming never left, so I feel both examples.
There are people in their 30s today buying houses, building families, and being productive citizens. There were people in your parent’s generation that wasted their lives on some bullshit. You’re not special. You’ve lived your life in such a way that achievements in a virtual setting give you more joy than the achievements in your real life. Again, you’re not alone here. You recognizing the imbalance is this weak step towards pulling the escapism needle out of your arm. This meme could be nothing, meaningless. This meme could also be something beautiful, a wake-up call. Your soul will finally wake up and say, fuck kids and a house, I’m killing zombies. You kill those zombies OP. You kill em all.
Shit ill ask whats RE4, bought a home instead now I need to catch up… in my living room…. In my home….
I can’t wait to see how that meme face gets even more fucked up the next time he gets more depraved and depleted
My dad, stepmother and even my friends parents would ‘buy’ a house just to move out 1-3 years later into another house. They did that a lot. Just a way to make money off rising real estate.
Live in the Midwest and you can do both.
All that work and their son is the last in their family tree.
This hit so close to home I genuinely chuckled.
Sensible smart parents probably set you up for success and you squandered it.
I literally laughed out loud at this while laying on the couch with my girlfriend.
She asked what I was laughing at and I said: “you won’t get it.”
She asked to see it anyways and then of course proceeded to stare at it in confusion:
“You’re right, I don’t get it but I’m sure you will share it with your friends”
Me: *screenshots post to send to my discord friends* “Yeah.”
Needs more black bar.
I can beat that it’s taking my entire family to buy a house. XD
Your parents bought a house in their 30’s? What are they, millennials? My parents bought a house in their early 20’s with only one parent working (in the air force no less) for $20k and that house is now worth $350k. Also my parents don’t understand inflation.
I did three runs of RE 4 Remake in a row
My times were:
Run 1: 16 hours
Run 2: 7 and a half hours
Run 3: Barely 3 hours
It was crazy how much faster I got lol
The bottom pic is pretty much how I imagine my dad looks nowadays.
I’m in my early 30s, I bought my house when I was 24…..
I started looking for a house when I was 22/23 years old.
Bottom caption reminds me of Pemento