If you didn’t know there’s an extra level in the ultimate and remastered versions of BioShock that acts like an in-game museum for some of the cut concept art and models from the game. I love model viewers like in the Resident Evil remakes, but I want more games to have them built into a level like this just because I think it’s cool.
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Persona 5 Royale did this.
You beat stages and it would unlock art galleries. Then you’d search for collectibles you can use as currency to unlock more art and movies. Then you could finish achievements to unlock even more art. And it even had a game table with a unique game you could play.
I always love when BTS and collectables are displayed in game instead of just in a menu
Ratchet and clank had this!
Ratchet & Clank series has the Insomniac Museum in:
– Going Commando
– Up Your Arsenal
– Size Matters (called “High Impact Games Treehouse”)
– Secret Agent Clank (also called “High Impact Games Treehouse”)
– A Crack in Time
– PS4 Remake
The Ratchet and Clank games did this for a majority of their things, especially the first 4 I remember getting them.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has the “Museum” bonus level containing all the weapons, main characters and some vehicles featured in the game.
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal and Crack in Time all had what was called the Insomniac Museum which gave great detail in cut content from the first 3 games and the Future trilogy and they were all amazing.
Dishonored 2 (I believe it was 2) had a great museum level surrounded by vampires and witches.
I love the combat and environment of the Dishonored series but generally need two playthroughs. One for the happy brighter-ish ending and one to just massacre everyone
Uhh I’m sorry, what?? I beat this game like a dozen times and never heard of this.
The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 was one of my favorite games for the PS2. Wish there were more releases like that.
Doesn’t bendy and the inc machine have this too
I think ultrakill has one too
I mean, Ultrakill has a cool museum level with old/scrapped content, ingame content and a fuckton of easter eggs
Stanley parable the deluxe edition has something like this
No one gonna mention Mortal Kombat’s Krypt? They’ve been doing this for 20 years, since Deadly Alliance.
Games now days don’t even release with their full content sadly. Can’t imagine they have extra content lying around.
Didn’t that King Kong game have one too?
How is it that no one mentioned the original COD MW2 museum? 😅
Assassin’s creed origins has a whole standalone thing like this, I think Odyssey might have one too
Metro last 2034 and King Kong the game had these and they kicked ass!
The Stanley Parable also have a museum where you can learn about almost everything in the game, even multiple cut endings and why they were cut
It was a unique way of showing the content. Most will have the artwork and stuff in a menu but I liked walking around in a museum to see it. I kind of wonder if RE2 Remake should have done this considering the police station the game takes place in was a former art museum.
Oh man does anyone remember the King Kong game for PS2? I remember being just blown away by the museum in it, maybe it’s just nostalgia but that game was an absolutely underrated gem anyway
The original God of War had something similar. a character graveyard where you could see early designs of Kratos and the monsters you face in the game
The café of broken dreams in fallout 2 works similar to this
There’s a mod (or at least there was a mod few years ago) adding a museum and a whole archeology guild in Skyrim. With missions, new characters and of course a museum itself.
I always loved this mod, because i love to gather everything and it came with displays for everything. Like weapons, armor, rare objects etc.
Haha and the comment section is literally a list of major games that do this. There are a TON. It should be a recognized trope if it already isn’t.
One of the Turok games had this, though it was done as a zoo for all the dinos/monsters you fight
Where do you find it?
King Kong the game back in the 2000s had something like this, it was fucking terrifying seeing all the huge dino and bug models up close lol
Skyrim and I think oblivion have developers rooms on console commands.
Batman arkham city kinda had cut content with city below it and those robots as they were used more later
God of war 1 for the ps2 has it
Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage takes you to a vacation island after you beat it. You can play mini games or go to the theater and see concept art and designs.
The original modern warfare had that end game museum with the wave feature
The turok zoo level brings me back
As a side-note, I’d love more games to have an art deco setting and/or more decopunk.
The artwork hung around the world in Witcher 3 is concept art for the game.
[Antichamber](https://store.steampowered.com/app/219890/Antichamber/), a brain bending first-person puzzler, has a bunch of secrets to reward those who fully understand the game’s mechanics. I remember getting to one that was a gallery of screenshots throughout the game’s development.
You could see it go from an Unreal Tournament-style arena shooter (the game was built on Unreal before it became the massive behemoth it is today), through to some puzzle elements (including another one of the secret rooms), to the distinctive art style, and also variants of the cube manipulation tool you get in the game.
My favourite secret in the game is the room that shows how the segments of one of the teleporting maze puzzles are put together.
I wish there were more games like bioshock. Game designers, would you kindly focus on making more bioshocks?
Video games, if done correctly, are a true expression of high art. Examples like this are timeless & priceless & I don’t think we looked at it that way at the time. We need more high art.