I hit my kids with shit like this all the time, it is one of the true joys of parenting to embarass your teen children by reminding them that their mom’s a freak and dad loves it.
Lol, this reminds me of one time when I was 11 yo I was trekking in the woods with my grandparents. My grandpa suddenly took me to a gentle Rocky slope with a sort of little cavern at the top, facing a beautiful valley. Then he looked me in the eye and told me “this I sthe place where me and your grandma fucked the first time” with a nostalgic face.
He later said he told me because he hoped I would go to the same place to have my first time with the love of my life. That is the first instance I remember of my grandparents bringing up their sexual life, but it wasn’t the last.
the real comeback would have been for one of the daughters to come back with something spicy “guess it must be genetic then” type response shut the dad up.
It’s healthy for a child to hear little stories like these about their parents. As long as it is not graphically detailed and explicatively explained then these are ways for children to know that they are in a functioning family.
This is exactly me and my partner.
Our daughter would have been crying. .
No wonder he sent this to me.
It’s three generations for us. My mom already has made a joke that made me scream and made him laugh hysterically about being wet.
no wonder he married her
Why would you gargle cum? Spit or swallow!
I dunno I just find that crass and tasteless
That smile at the end!
Sounds like it might be pretty good to first meet them even.
*takes notes*
I fell like this family is so dis functional that they become a functional family
I thought he was gonna say “she did that too!” when she spit out the water
Now you know about the facts of life. The facts of life are all about … “ur gross”.
Looking at these comments makes me feel sorry for a lot of you, it’s obvious that you aren’t close enough with your parents to joke with them.
“Obviously no.” Damn, mom knows the vibes she’s got.
But did i lie tho?
As a Mexican.
The tone in which “cochino” was said, tends to imply some truth.
Obviously no
“but did i lie tho?”
I hit my kids with shit like this all the time, it is one of the true joys of parenting to embarass your teen children by reminding them that their mom’s a freak and dad loves it.
“Cochino” lol this was funny
Every dad ever : Cracks a joke and goes Hahahaha on his joke.
This is how I met your mother.
Filmed by a total spaz.
It has The Office vibe to it
“She’s still a loud sheeper sleeping”
That’s all I could make of that
She must be the mythical Gargalon they speak of…
Moms got talent
I wanna know how many dad jokes he’s got in his collection.
I love how he *immediately* laughs at his own joke. He knows it’s gold.
I fucking love the Aguilar’s. The dad makes that family!
friendly reminder that youre parents were young to at some point and probably idd some freaky shit
Lol, this reminds me of one time when I was 11 yo I was trekking in the woods with my grandparents. My grandpa suddenly took me to a gentle Rocky slope with a sort of little cavern at the top, facing a beautiful valley. Then he looked me in the eye and told me “this I sthe place where me and your grandma fucked the first time” with a nostalgic face.
He later said he told me because he hoped I would go to the same place to have my first time with the love of my life. That is the first instance I remember of my grandparents bringing up their sexual life, but it wasn’t the last.
Haha the mom was like obviously
no what a champ
All hail supreme dad, the true allfather
eh parents fuck. they may also be sluts.
the real comeback would have been for one of the daughters to come back with something spicy “guess it must be genetic then” type response shut the dad up.
When your kids get old enough to do filthy jokes with them = life goals achieved! When they react so damn funny; even better.
I love it when parents gross out their kids
Wait I don’t get it. Why do people gurgle?
We really normalize some weird stuff to the point that the ones who point it out become the weirdos.
Playing video games with my step son and wife. He’s trash talking so I respond with the typical online gamer “I fucked your mom”
He responds “you would never say that if (my kids from previous marriage) were here.
I respond “I fucked their mom too!”
Make sure to mask up in your own house! Good call.
Today on “people who get down on it, Oooh OOh OOh, don’t cha wanna”, this couple.
It’s healthy for a child to hear little stories like these about their parents. As long as it is not graphically detailed and explicatively explained then these are ways for children to know that they are in a functioning family.
What’s the @ of the daughters. For scientific research
The person filming this video must be having a seizure. I couldn’t make a worse video if I tried.
Yea, I up vote anything with Niners apparel.
This is exactly me and my partner.

Our daughter would have been crying.
No wonder he sent this to me.
It’s three generations for us. My mom already has made a joke that made me scream and made him laugh hysterically about being wet.