I typically live in a van down by the river but today I live in a van by the ocean
View Reddit by danziehartlieb – View Source
I typically live in a van down by the river but today I live in a van by the ocean
View Reddit by danziehartlieb – View Source
What’s living in a van like? Is is cramped? Cozy? Does someone live with you (in order to take this pic)? What about amenities, like the washroom situation?
There’s so many honest questions I have, because I’m all of a sudden curious.
Looks like a dream come true
Is there an r/upvotedbecauseshoulder ?
How relaxing does that look
Could you come over and give my kids a motivational talk?
Looks like a pain in the neck
Looks amazing! What do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking?
“yawn, call me if she rolls over”
Are you homeless?
It doesn’t matter where you live, what matters is being happy and with someone you love.
There’s a guy with binoculars on that mountain.
I’ve seen a lot of pictures of van conversions and would really like to see more of what yours started out like and what it looks like while you live in it if you have them.
That’s a back of someone who does some yoga.
One thing I’ve learned about van life is that it’s very important to frequently tell others how much you enjoy your van life. Camera filters recommend but not required.
Do you work from van?
The view is blocked
weird flex but OK.
I also have a spouse
How big is the van?
Enjoy your adventure!
Good job getting after it. Too many people look at lifestyles like this and say “wow you’re so lucky”. Lucky ain’t got shit to do with it. You took a few risks and made it happen. Enjoy.
Nice shot.
Some sort of great flood?
Watch for tsunamis
There will come a time in your life when you will wish you were still doing this. Love every second of it. Amazing.
Nice, looks like you did some bangin in the van by the ocean