I turned Lil Jon’s “Get Low” into a 1930s swing song [Warning: Language]
I turned Lil Jon’s "Get Low" into a 1930s swing song [Warning: Language] from funny
View Reddit by dustin1776 – View Source
I turned Lil Jon’s “Get Low” into a 1930s swing song [Warning: Language]
I turned Lil Jon’s "Get Low" into a 1930s swing song [Warning: Language] from funny
View Reddit by dustin1776 – View Source
Successfully ruined
I’m having a horrible day and this made me laugh. Thanks.
I really needed to see this today…
Counterpoint: not ruined, but strangely improved.
Best channel on YouTube!
This is up there with SteamPunk as far as alternative histories are concerned. I want to watch a show about an era of history where the depression and wwII doesn’t happen and we end up approximately here culturally by 1945.
this is ridiculously amazing
Love these remakes
That’ll work.
You didnt ruin it, you annihilated it.
Yall should check out Drowning Pool – Bodies (Kids Version)
This is so chaotically delicious.
Instant classic. Bravo Old Sport!
Thank you so much this made my morning sir

This was literally THE song when I was in highschool. Hahahaha
This works so much better than it should. Great job.
I need a Spotify or YouTube link to jam out to this later.
Like all your other videos I’ve seen, I love it! I’d love to see what you could do with a song like: Aqua-Barbie Girl, Rico Suave-Gerardo, or Jamiroqui-Virtual Insanity. One of those would be a hoot.
My day has been so wildly improved by seeing this, thank you.
You are doing gods work (that god being Loki)
Nah, this bangs
But if you want to believe you ruined it, I won’t take that away from you
“There I improved it”
My favourite is still the squaredance version of Loser.
I love these . Keep em coming.
My grand-dad got low and broke his hip because of this song.
Another thing I didn’t know was missing from my life until I heard it.
You, sir, are a national treasure.
This needs to be on TIHI
If Need for Speed Underground took place in the 40s.
“Lil Jon’s ‘Get Low'” says “John Lithgow” in my head.
There I ruined it and Bad Lip Reading are some of the bests things on youtube. I have shown so many people the All I Want for Christmas/Twisted Sister video, it’s one of my very favorite things. Absolutely brilliant.
this is what you call musical diarrhea
You should post this to r/swingdancing. This is awesome!
The “skeet, skeet” card followed by Red and Andy laughing was pure gold.
Great job overall.
Very nice. My favorite will always be [Dan Henig’s coffee shop version](https://vimeo.com/143261961), epic.
Are you on Spotify? I want to listen to these while I run.