This is a fine gentlemen’s joke! Tip of the hat! Too bad kids these days can’t even read a wall-clock (they actually removed them from calassrooms in schools, cos they can’t read the time š ). So immagine them getting your joke with Roman numerals… š
Funny! š
Love UpWords. Miss playing it with my parents.
Lucky number 7 š
This is a fine gentlemen’s joke! Tip of the hat! Too bad kids these days can’t even read a wall-clock (they actually removed them from calassrooms in schools, cos they can’t read the time š ). So immagine them getting your joke with Roman numerals… š
Well, I for ONE, love roaming numerals!
That’s funny
Iām looking for hidden message on the board.
Seven!!!! You lucky duck!!
Do V two spaces up and I one space up and you have VIM!!
Try VIM!
The final fantasy vii remake
I for one like Roman numerals