I think I might know why this window was drywalled over in the first place..
View Reddit by EffortlessCool – View Source
I think I might know why this window was drywalled over in the first place..
View Reddit by EffortlessCool – View Source
Yeah those colors are ugly
It even has ovaries
I would proudly display my utiris window
Drywall vs. [Sugarwalls](https://youtu.be/CqH7LlWwIww?si=yXgGARfxkPCSr_a_).
Is that what I think it is? 🤣
There’s a vas deferens from what it used to look like
You should give it to an OB/GYN office. Even if they are unwilling to display it, they might find someplace for it.
There are so many things my fantasy can see in this, and none of it is considered an acceptable decoration
It’s amazing. Looks like it was designed by Georgia O’Keeffe
FYI those are known as “Fertility Windows” and they were common in older houses. I have one in my house too!
And yeah, they’re supposed to look like…symbols of fertility. At least yours isn’t dick shaped?
I realize that this is r/funny but since this is one of the most popular stained glass designs of the last 150 years I do not believe you have discovered any cause/effect.
You are ovaryacting.
What, why? It’s a couple of field hockey sticks leaning up against a fence in an orange grove. Are you all seeing something different?
Chicago Bungalow?
that is one obscure Loss edit
Is this Georgia O’Keeffe’s house?
I should call her
This is safe for work.
Ah yes.. the female reproductive system. Natures candy
Thems is gurly bits.
The awful colors?
Looks like an ant
WAP=Windows And Pussy
Your window smells funny?
I like it. Can’t place why. It just… There’s something about it.
Why pervert?
Someone here said these are called fertility windows. I had no idea. I’ve seen these in so many churches. I’m gonna have to start going again, I’ve been using these sanctuaries all wrong
It needs a big set of drapes over it – and they should match the carpet.
Yeah, no. Any lewd interpretation of this is a massive stretch.
Y’all aren’t even people at this point.
Only Panes
Previous owner was a pussy for covering it up.
Finally my ink blot test incarnated
Georgia O’keeffe made stained glass?
Its a rorschach test. Something you wana talk about buddy?
Probably was a homeopathic fertility clinic until, you know, science came along.
Please take and say the first thing I saw was two birds
Most beautiful window ever😏