I think I know how I’m gonna dress up for on Halloween
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I think I know how I’m gonna dress up for on Halloween
View Reddit by CeeJaycs – View Source
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Yes…..for Halloween.
This is gonna become an unexpected roastme lol
Quicksilver ?
You might need to dress down to be honest.
Artsy stuff. Nothing weird
Some years back there was an inmate that escaped on Hallowe’en and was just strolling around town in the orange jumpsuit. He was caught the next day.
Gross. It’s such a tragic and horrifying story for all of those poor boys. Turning it into a silly costume is weird.
Joe Pera?
Dahmer after he was murdered in jail would be an awesome twist.
You’ve got the dead eyes for it that’s for sure
You could pull off Gradey Dick instead. Positive role models.
Are we sure OP isn’t a serial killer?
Yeah you know, maybe don’t do that
You look more like Dahmer than the actor does.
maybe don’t do that…
That’s a yikes from me dawg
i really didnt think that title through huh
Halloween costumes of real world people glorifies them.
This is beyond bad taste
Yeah… I really think people forget Dahmer was real. Please dont commemerate him. Dress up as something fictional, I dressed as Tate from season 1 of American Horror Story once with this face paint and all (also portrayed by Evan Peters) and people liked it, you got… other.. options.
Wish people would stop glorifying serial killers
Justin Bieber?
He was a white serial killer mostly known for preying on marginalized underage people of colour minority of the US. Ponder on that.
Please don’t. Costuming as a serial killer whose victims families are still out there is deifying someone who should not be deified.
I just think it’s weird people want to dress up as an actual serial killer, seems kinda gross ngl
Don’t please
I really hope you’re joking. Family members & friends of the *real people* he exploited, tortured, & murdered are still alive and in the world today.
Imagine if someone took the worst tragedy of your life & turned it into a fucking Halloween costume for shits & giggles?
Gross doesn’t begin to cover it.
That man did some horrible shit and it’s still fresh for some of the familys
Dressing up as a rapist is out of touch and insensitive.
Don’t do it. You’ll be remembered for that and the cannibalistic serial killer isn’t a good look.
In addition to everything everyone said about dressing as a serial killer being in bad taste, you don’t look like Dahmer. You look like Evan Peters, the actor
Please do not, I cannot stress enough how bad of an idea that will be
Please don’t. Not for any funny reason just fucking don’t do that
Imagine being raped, beaten, murdered, and cannibalized as a 13 year old boy and then having some guy dress up as your murderer for Halloween.
Great way to get beat up
This is gross dude, so fucking immature and insensitive
Dressing up as an irl person, who raped and killed real people and not seeing the issue is so fucking stupid. Part of the reasons some serial kills do what they do is for notoriety and fame.
You dressing up as a serial killer for Halloween is exactly the type of shit a serial killer would love. A monument to the suffering they caused. You’re feeding the idea that these people can live on in history through their terrible deeds.
How would you like if someone raped and murdered your family member, then some fuck wanted to cosplay as that person? Some of ya’ll true crime fans forget basic decency for the sake of media, and could care less about the people involved.
These are real tragedies that affected real people, and you just don’t give a shit at all. Anyone who treats true crime this lightly isn’t someone worth listening to.
Fuck around and find out. Halloween edition.
Good luck
Dressing up in a real killer is kind of messed up though
Using real life serial killers as a Halloween costume is trash behavior imo
Just a reminder that serial killing rapists are not horror movie monsters and make you “that guy” anywhere you go dressed like one.
You should instead dress as Barry, or really any Bill Hader character