I think a kid is stuck inside the body of this 6’11 242lb monster
I think a kid is stuck inside the body of this 6’11 242lb monster from funny
View Reddit by RUXHIR_007 – View Source
I think a kid is stuck inside the body of this 6’11 242lb monster
I think a kid is stuck inside the body of this 6’11 242lb monster from funny
View Reddit by RUXHIR_007 – View Source
Wait until he finds out about the double stuffed
Wait till he finds out about Nutter Butters.🔥
Bucks Nutritionist: Walk me through your daily diet.
Giannis: I eat oreos every meal.
Bucks Nutritionist *dies inside*
He had the same reaction when he found out he could dunk a ball too
*Wait? I can dunk it too? This is so much easier*
Wait until a cute girl makes him homemade cookies.
This definitely also falls under heartwarming and mademesmile
Ah the things that are huge life luxuries for some but I get to completely take advantage of as an American.
He’s the perfect human being
How can you not love how genuine this dude is
Giannis Antetokounmpo
This is me, growing up i haven’t tried or afford things that usually people can have casually. luckily i have a supportive SO. The last time she treat me to Burger King and i got my very first Burger King burger and it was on my birthday. Made me the happiest
It’s like Schlatt said. If you think Oreos aren’t milk’s favorite cookie you’re fucking insane
Him and Jokic need to make a buddy movie.
If this guy doesn’t get a Oreo sponsorship out of this…
I have literally zero notion of who this is or the context but I __love__ him!
Edit: a word
This is the cutest shit, oh my god
God this is so humbling. It kind of made me tear up a little haha. So weird. But to think that someone was unable to experience such a simple thing like Oreos in milk. Wow. Maybe beautiful is a weird way to put it. But there’s something about experience gratitude and appreciation like this that puts things in perspective in the best way.
“So how do you think you affected the outcome of the game today?”
“Have you ever eaten Oreos?”
Love his Greek accent speaking English.
Actually this is a thing. I recall an incident my professor mentioned about someone they knew, and this guy grew up in what can only be described as abject poverty. The guy was absolutely a brilliant student and worked really hard for where he later landed up in. Straight A’s all his school life (a charity organization funded for his education, now he funds the charity organization) and then in college he funded himself via scholarship programmes and part-time jobs. In all of this time as a student he could barely buy the bare minimum for survival and for his education. And he always craved for a particular brand of biscuit that he still claims is the best. This biscuit is really cheap and can be bought for what maybe equivalent to 5 cents. And he couldn’t afford to buy that. Finally when he became rich enough to buy himself a big bungalow, he always kept a Tupperware box full of that biscuit and a small packet of that biscuit will always be in his coat pocket.
Watching him DOMINATE the Finals this past year and his reaction celebrating with his family after, could not have been happier for him. What a guy
…and hes friggen ripped. Even by supernatural NBA standards.
This man has the most perfectly created basketball body of all time.
It’s nice when one of the league’s best players is also a genuine human being.
Too many assholes in pro sports.
One of the most wholesome things I ever got to witness was someone trying their first Oreo. I was on the periphery so I take no credit for this.
It was waayyy back in college, studying at the Biosphere with a bunch of awesome people. One was a student from Bangladesh who’d never even heard of Oreos. I have no idea how it came up, but one of the nicest, most brilliant people I know (this is how I knew she was brilliant) grabbed her by the arm in giddy joy and told her she just *had* to try these things. It was magic.
I am a better person for having witnessed that.
Who is this guy? His accent and personality is amazing. 😂
[Giannis enjoying a smoothie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Raljvzm-1AA)
Real talk, I have to ration my Oreo consumption to maybe once every two months because I have zero self-control around them. Every time I eat Oreos I sit down with a glass of milk, and before I know it at least half the entire pack is gone. Two Oreos are 140 calories. Not once in my life have I ever eaten less than entire row of Oreos before.
As a Milwaukee resident, this guy is so good for the community holy shit. Seen him in public a few times and he doesn’t even get bothered man people have so much respect for him.