I still think Fallout classic has one of the Best Character Creation screens.
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I still think Fallout classic has one of the Best Character Creation screens.
View Reddit by FidoMix_Felicia – View Source
I constanly talk about how I loved the FA1 style and wish they would do another game in the same style.
nice build 😀 aiming for Alien Blaster main weapon? i usually go with TurboPlasma.
Are you often asked “what, in your opinion, is the Best Character Creation screen”, or is this just a random thought?
Back when cRPGs were still trying to look like pen and paper tabletop RPGs
It’s an awesome set up but my first character was named None lol
I love a nice character creation screen! Most games these days is just “name, pronoum, face”, you can’t adjust the fine details.
Fucking love Fallout 1 and 2 and it’s a damn shame what Bethesda did to one of the best RPGs of all time with Fallout 4.
At least they *tried* with Fallout 3. Unlike some classic fans I do like 3, even if it’s sad that it has no connection to the other games and does have it’s own share of dumbstuff. However, at least it tried to be an RPG.
~~Oblivion~~ Obsidian should have won the rights to Fallout after the fall of Interplay/Black Isle.
It is something S.P.E.C.I.A.L. indeed. Some of the best games IMO (both FO1 and FO2).
I like the 1st person Fallout, but part of me wishes they would have stuck to isometric. I miss the Fallout 1 and 2 style and gameplay. Screw Fallout Tactics.
Fallout 1 and 2. My favorite games as a kid. Still have the discs and vault tec guides
Fallout has had pretty good character creation in all games imo. They always do something interesting with it, even if that may be the creation sequence itself. I do agree they have moved away from the standard RPG/D&D model of character creation, but I think that is just because the game reached wide spread popularity. I see a lot of comments wishing Fallout 1 got a remake in the same style and I too think a top down Fallout RPG would be massive. They already have the right recipe.
Everything except that your name is in the top left tab and i didnt realize it untill after i made my perfect character named **None**.
All on 1 screen seeing how everything affects all stats was awesome
Speaking of character creation screens, I’ve played Mount & Blade: Warband and i know that all the M&B games have really good character skill customization
Man I wanna replay this again but don’t have a PC rn
This looks cluttered as fuck
I also like how the world reacts to your stats. Try playing fallout 1 with an intelligence score of 1.
(Don’t do it on a first play through)
char 2
do you not have companions?
lol but yeah if you’re a powerhouse companions arent too strong. cassidy’s my fav tho
now games are made to provide 4 times less information on 4 times larger screens
Pick jinxed and see how much you like this
Just make fallout 5 already 😫 (but only if it’s single player)
I like how 95% of first time players named their character ‘None’ because you were supposed to type it into the top left.
With the resurgence of popularity of turn-based games, maybe we’ll have a modern turn-based Fallout?