I started playing Pokémon in 2012, and I just got my 2nd shiny today. And it was during Calculus. On a school calculator that I jailbreaked…
View Reddit by RakketyTamFR – View Source
I started playing Pokémon in 2012, and I just got my 2nd shiny today. And it was during Calculus. On a school calculator that I jailbreaked…
View Reddit by RakketyTamFR – View Source
can you jail break my calculator?
this is fantastic
Holy shit.. calculators have come far
You gotta jailbreak them now? Ti83 just needed a cable, transfer whatever.
Yeah but how far are you in Drug Wars??
Back in the mid-2000s, we had all kinds of games. Brickman was like Mario, Tetris, and this one called Drug Dealer where you just make decisions and money til you get busted. Nothing quite as polished as Pokémon.
And of course we used the transfer cable the other user mentioned to send each other cheat sheets for Physics and Calculus.
Pay attention in class please.
You know what? The kids are gonna be OK.
Make sure to pay attention in English class?
Sure but can you tell me where the power series converges?
Enter 5318008 on a calculator. Turn it upside down.
That’s the type of entertainment my calculators used to provide.
If that Smoochum came from the [Odd Egg](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Odd_Egg) (likely, based on where you encounter Drowzee at that level), it has a 14% chance of being shiny. Lucky!
im just impressed they can do color now
Hows the framerate on that thing?
Someone’s doing a ratio test 👀
Went from running doom on calculators to Pokémon. We really are in the future.
> jailbreaked
Maybe you should pay more attention during class
I’ve seen one shiny, it was in the original Gold version on the Gameboy Color, *before the game tells you they exist and how to spot them* so I didn’t even try to catch it.
No, I’m not bitter, I just happen to perfectly remember this personal video game moment from 24 years ago. /s
I started playing Pokémon in 1996. Wtf are even shiny Pokémon?
Glad to see the time-honored tradition of ignoring math to play games on calculators is alive and well.
Me watching from 2nd world country kids from 1st world country studying Math with Chromebooks and programmable graphical calculator: 🗿
That you jailbreaked…might wanna put the pokemon down for english class sometime
But can it play Doom?
I had no idea shiny pokemon even existed for a long time because I was such a filthy casual lol. I wonder how many I might have missed over the course of many playthroughs lol
That is not going to help you find the area under a curve
Kids are playing fucking Pokémon on calculators these days???? And I thought we were cool playing snake on them back in the day….
You have to “jailbreak” them now? 15 years ago all of them just ran whatever code you put on them.
“School Property”
How’s Joule, Mole, and Celcius doing in your party?
Hey, I’m the creator of this GBC emulator, it’s cool to see it getting some attention! It’s been a bit of a passion project of mine, and it uses modern emulation techniques like JIT recompilation to achieve its performance. I have a blog post series that goes into how it works, which I would link if this subreddit wouldn’t shadowban me for it. Have a video showcase instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ7nHP612eQ