Wednesday, February 12All That Matters

I simulated a hunger games between characters in a bunch of different games in my steam library. I’ll update the round progress in comments.


I simulated a hunger games between characters in a bunch of different games in my steam library. I’ll update the round progress in comments.


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    – Medic finds a bow, arrows, and a quiver.

    – Sam, Chell and Cal run away from the cornucopia.- Eli runs into the cornucopia and hides.

    – Sans sets Kleiner on fire with a molotov (ooh, explosives!)

    – Boomerang Monkey runs away from the cornucopia.- Penny runs away from the cornucopia.

    – BD1 finds a pair of sais.

    – Dart Monkey finds a satchel full of camping equipment.

    – Alyx Scares Among Us Character 1 away from the cornucopia.

    – Gordon Freeman stays at the cornucopia for resources.

    – Undyne rips a mace out of Army Grunt’s hands.

    – Peter Parker retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.

    – Grady finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.

    – Heavy Weapons Guy grabs a sword (bold choice, heavy)

    – GLaDOS, Adrian, Miles Morales, and AMONGUS2 share everything they gathered before running.

    – Cave’s Head finds a canteen full of water.


    DAY 1.

    -Alyx sprains her ankle while running away from Cal.
    -Undyne fishes.
    -Medic tends to Boomerang Monkey’s wounds.
    -Dart Monkey practices his archery.
    -Sans stabs Chell with a tree branch.
    -Miles Morales overhears Grady and Sam talking in the distance.
    -Penny makes a wooden spear.
    -AMONGUS1 runs away from Eli.
    -Gordon constructs a shack.
    -GLaDOS begs for Bee to kill her. He refuses, keeping GLaDOS alive.
    -AMONGUS2 receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
    -Heavy Weapons Guy travels to higher ground.
    -Army Grunt receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
    -Cave’s Head hunts for other tributes.
    -Peter Parker receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
    -Adrian questions his sanity.

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