I showed this SWTOR screenshot to my friend and they asked if its Starfield
View Reddit by Deshik2 – View Source
I showed this SWTOR screenshot to my friend and they asked if its Starfield
View Reddit by Deshik2 – View Source
Weeelllllll, is it Starfield?!
It sounds like your friend doesn’t know what SWtoR or Starfield looks like.
Looks the same
I mean, there are Star Wars mods for Starfield
But does it have 16 times the loading screen???
That armor looks great. It looks like it would have a lot of cloth physics. What’s it called?
Game looks interesting, does anyone know what SWTOR stands for?
It’s gotta be something of the old republic. Forgive me for not being knowing star wars game titles very well.
Edit: I am dumb.
That’s what star wars the old republic looks like ?? Since when
Tbh the shading on the character models looks pretty neat.
Love me some Swtor
Because every single cave in the game looks like that, they all look the same
Played this game over a decade ago it looks a hell of a lot different from the way it use to.
Can you be a Jedi/Sith and wear armour like that ?
SWTOR is hands down one of the best MMO’s out there.
Well this post has almost turned into a SWTOR ask me anything haha.
I’m really glad though because you’ve legitimately got me wanting to jump back in!
Eyo, another fellow SWTOR player
yeeep Starfield def has some inconsistent environmental textures. Then again most big open world games do, Starfield was just more surprising to me since every almost every door has a loading screen.
That doesn’t look like starfield one bit.
Because Starfield looks like a game released over 10 years ago?
This was on my discover feed and I thought it was Starfield, doesn’t help that I’m currently in a very similar looking cave in Starfield 😭🤣
Guess it’s time to reinstall SWTOR 😀
Old republic good, SF ain’t
The thing is that with a limited room like this, it’s hard to tell immediately what’s different. I can tell you that the same scene in Starfield probably packs the polygon count of 100X fold compare to this one, but our mind doesn’t register the small things, like the rocks , the texture mapping, the lighting, and this being an image not a video is not helping. SWTOR is not that old, came out in 2011, only as old as Skyrim.
I played swtor at launch, and it was such a great single player game. 😀
When I hit level 50, I didn’t know what to do next though, so I just kinda quit.
I mean, Starfield’s graphics are almost as bad lol
Played SWTOR beta and launch and it was incredible, Hutball PVP was legendary. Sadly population fell and they went F2P, that’s when I dropped out.
Happy to see there is still some love for SWTOR! I had the privilege of working on it for a number of years.
I love SWTOR so much, though I’ve never hit max level. I’ve focused on finishing all the class stories. I only have the Smuggler story left. Bounty Hunter ended up being my favorite so far, though, which I honestly didn’t expect.
I’ll have what they’re having!
I wish they would bring this to PS5
I’ve played on and off since Beta, it has had some great updates over the years.
But the combat and movement is still clunky compared to other MMOs, and the only way to have the really fancy looking gear is real money (people will say you can buy it with in game currency but the cost of desirable stuff is often in the billions of credits and the only way you make that much is selling stuff you buy with real money.)
It’s also technically pay to win. If you don’t pay you cannot equip the best gear, you will always be weaker than people who pay unless you drop money at least occasionally. One of the scummiest things I have ever seen in a Western MMO.
Nice look though OP, Tempest Warden chest is gorgeous especially in white
God I love this game so much.
Story wise it’s fantastic.
Wait the fuck up… THIS IS SWTOR?! I haven’t touched the game since like 10th chapter of Eternal empire or whatever the hell it was called. It looks nothing like it was before.
I was inside one of the **mines** in **Elden Ring** and a friend of my brother thought I was playing **Far Cry Primal**.