I saw one with ’animal crossing’ but more gamers can relate to this one, right?
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I saw one with ’animal crossing’ but more gamers can relate to this one, right?
View Reddit by The-true-Memelord – View Source
No, we can’t there is a woman being texted
Why would I talk to a woman?
lol this be me. me and my games or none of me at all
relate? um, what is this?
I have got a better one
> ! Wanna play video games with me lol ! <
My friend’s gf doesn’t let him play games anymore cause “it’s all he does and isn’t paying enough attention to her.” i hate her. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing your hobbies/what you love.
Edit: and she’s controlling, lazy, and 40% homophobic but we concentrating on her game hate rn.
R-relationship? Whats that?
But noone should ever ask you to stop doing harmless things you like. And person you are dating should understand you like to play games in your free alone time
If he accepts this crazy requirement from her, she will request more and more restriction. So blocking her is actually very practical decision. Stay away from this kind of girl.
Everything in moderation. The Sims is a slippery slope.
I once dated a girl in high school who asked me if I’d quit playing World of Warcraft for her. I laughed, we did not last long.
I would stop playing video games for my wife
I would not stop playing video games for her if she wanted me to do that
Asking the question is not an issue. Demanding it is.
One time a girl asked me to go to the dance in Highschool. I was quick with the Homework excuse.
once I was with a toxic girlfriend who didn’t like me playing video games, I broke up with her because she bored me
Instead of blocked just say “no, absolutely not”
“Would stop doing something you love for me?”
This reminds me of the ending to A Boy and his dog.
That’s me, I can stop playing, but it would be different if you ask me to stop playing ⛔
No, I would not, thank you very much.
Stop , no!
Reduce time or pause because of family issues or duty ? Yes.
Who wants to be a shitty parent or partner who plays games and dodge their duty ?
You should never have to give up what you love just for someones validation
You should never have to give up what you love just for someones validation
It is always women who hate their partners for playing games, so not qite accurate.
Right answer gurl dudes are dicks
He was going to say: “…so we can quickly fuck! The we can play Coop together.”
Went on a date with a woman. We were talking about hobbies and she told me how she gardens and takes care of her daughter ect. I got talking about how I play games. She asked me if I would ever consider giving up video games. I told her it was a hobby and that was equivalent of me asking her to stop gardening. I told her that it wasn’t a fair question to ask and even though we hit it off she ghosted me because I wouldn’t give up gaming.