My dad got hit by a sniper in Korea, 1952. He spent months in the hospital. He would never speak about it. I asked him a few times about his knee and his hand. He wouldn’t talk about it at all. My mom told me about it. Just the injury, and that’s all she knew. He had a Purple Heart he didn’t want. They met in Korea at a dance in Air Force & married when they came home.
Huh, in my state, you can’t customize these types of plates. You can have a regular plate customized, or you can have one of the special plates, but not both.
Let’s show some respect for a person who bravely endured an ouchie-booboo in the service of his country.
They are giving out purple hearts for living in Utah now?
That actually checks out.
Utah OW
Why is the text not centered?!
OW indeed
Glad to see his benefits are paying out well.
One of my Sargent’s has one that just says oops
I misread it as “purple heart-on”
&H32 &H32 &H4F &57
I misread that and thought the joke was “purple hard-ON” not “ow”. Hope I gave someone an idea
Something bit me!
Mine says MOTRIN
I’m just amazed that purple heart license plates are a thing.
Maybe he just really enjoys overwatch
I am not American. someone please explain?
Space to add the SL at a later stage.
Why do they feel the need to advertise they were wounded at work?
i wander how strict the conditions to get a purple hart?
Sargent! i got a paper cut! **gets handed an award**
My dad got hit by a sniper in Korea, 1952. He spent months in the hospital. He would never speak about it. I asked him a few times about his knee and his hand. He wouldn’t talk about it at all. My mom told me about it. Just the injury, and that’s all she knew. He had a Purple Heart he didn’t want. They met in Korea at a dance in Air Force & married when they came home.
Imagine having this on your car. How much attention do people seek?
US is the only weird country where showing off with war injuries is a thing.
Does this Purple Heart license plate offer any perks? Can they drive faster than everyone else? Park on anyone’s lawn?
because of the deliberate spacing, maybe the OW is from the acronym POW alluding they are no longer a prisoner of war.
Given the price of that car I guess it hasn’t held them back too much
Bravely wounded defending American oil interests overseas.
USA is so army focused they get there medals on their plates? Never seen this anywere else.
Huh, in my state, you can’t customize these types of plates. You can have a regular plate customized, or you can have one of the special plates, but not both.